The Meaning of Selected Names

Brief description of the origin and meaning of names. Names in bold have been assigned as a primary name to someone or something. Name in italics have been used as a secondary name (e.g., middle name) or a minor someone or something.

  • Akash: open space, sky, Sanskrit, male
  • Alamgir conqueror of the world
  • Aleria: eagle, Latin America
  • Almatjar the shop, Arabic, word
  • Antone priceless, inestimable, Latin/Slavic
  • Astra star
  • Aurelia golden, gilded, Roman
  • Avesta: received knowledge, Kurdish, female
  • Azeema: has great determination and firmness of purpose, female
  • Baaqir: deepest knowledge, male
  • Bailey a bailiff, English
  • Balam: jaguar, Mayan, male
  • Bello: assistant, African, male
  • Bellona goddess of war, Roman, female
  • Bia power, force, might, Ancient Greek, female
  • Caelumheaven, Latin, male
  • Caelus sky god, Roman, male
  • Calina a most beautiful young woman, Russian, female
  • Cathal: battle ruler, Irish, male
  • Celeste of the sky, heavenly
  • Cenric: bold ruler, Anglo-Saxon, male
  • Channing young wolf, Irish
  • Cyneric royal ruler, Anglo-Saxon, male
  • Daisuke big, great + help, Japanese
  • Darnall: secret which is well kept, English, male
  • Davion: potential and powerful being, African/English, male
  • Deeshan: diplomatic person; one who shows direction, Indian, male
  • Deevitha one who has divine powers; blessing, Hindu/Indian, female
  • Derek: gifted ruler, English
  • Diara: a gift, they are quiet and a commander, Latin, unisex
  • Dimitri never ending, lover of Demeter, Greek/Russian/Slavic, male
  • Dunnere: dark brown colored; shadow, Irish, male
  • Edelle superior person, has excellent taste, German, female
  • Edeva: expensive gift, English, female
  • Ember hot ashes, English/German
  • Enodia goddess of roads, protection (apotropaic), ghosts, purification, the city, and cemeteries, Ancient Greek, female
  • Erhard: honour and respect, German, male
  • Erling: descendant of the jarl (chieftain, nobleman, earl), Norwegian/Danish/Swedish
  • Esfir: an ancient goddess, Russian, female
  • Evzen he is is well born, spelled Evžen, Slovak
  • Farvald: journey, power, leader, ruler, Ancient Germanic, male
  • Farzana: woman who has great knowledge, female
  • Feliks: lucky and successful man, Polish/Russian, male
  • Firth arm of the sea, Scottish
  • Flavia golden hair, blonde, Roman/Latin America
  • Friedhold: peaceful ruler, German, male
  • Gavan white hawk, Scottish/Welsh/English
  • Gavino: white hawk, Italian, male
  • Godric: god’s ruler, Anglo-Saxon, male
  • Greer watchful, alert, Scottish
  • Griffen fighting chief, fierce, Welsh
  • Grizelle grey warrior, wisdom and intelligence, has hidden qualities of knowledge, research and wisdom, and analytical mind, German, female
  • Gudruna: divine knowledge, Belgian, female
  • Gyanna oozing with knowledge, a goddess of knowledge, Hindi
  • Haile power, African/Ethiopian
  • Halif: ally, confederate, one who takes an oath, African, male
  • Hammond: high protection, German, male
  • Hazin: treasurer, Arabic, male
  • Heiu: respectful, honourable, Vietnamese, male
  • Helina bright, vivid, Intelligent, Russian, female
  • Huyen: jet black, Vietnamese, female
  • Indah: beautiful one, Indonesian, female
  • Intan: diamond, Indonesian, female
  • Isam security, pledge, spelled 'Isam, pronounced ‘ee-SAM, Arabic
  • Joli courtly and cheerful are the word meanings (have desire for loving companions, tend to be leaders and are focused towards their goal), English/French/German, female
  • Jaida: with great knowledge, United States, male
  • Jalena: bright one, Russian/Slavic, female
  • Jalo: noble, gracious, Finnish, male
  • Jasper: gemstone, treasurer, English
  • Jelena: new branch or new shoot, Greek/Russian, female
  • Jojo: full of high inspirations,courageous, honest, determined, original and creative, English, unisex
  • Kağan king, ruler, Turkish, male, usually translated into English as Khan, using spelling of Kagan
  • Kane intelligent, Celtic
  • Kansbar: treasure master, Arabic, male
  • Karik: very powerful ruler, Russian, male
  • Kazimir: he who destroys the world, Czech/Russian, male
  • Kelsie daring, fearless, English
  • Kendric brave and fearless chief, English/Gaelic
  • Kervyn: ruler, Russian, male
  • Kesar small black one, Celtic/Russian
  • Kinfe: wings, African, unisex
  • Kovit expert, Thai, male
  • Laelia: name of the special flower type that resembles an orchid, Roman, female
  • Lamar: of the sea, French, male
  • Larunda: overly talkative water nymph, Roman, female
  • Lautaro: swift hawk, daring, Latin America, male
  • Leksik/Leks/Lekso: defender of men, form of Alexander, Estonian, male
  • Leofric: dear, agreeable, beloved, ruler, mighty, Anglo-Saxon, male
  • Lisandra a protector of mankind, short for Alexandra, English/Estonian, using spelling of Lysandra
  • Liviana related “to envy” or “blue, envious”, Latin/Ancient Roman
  • Lucas bright, shining, Latin
  • Ludis: fame or war, Latvian/Russian
  • Lulfagil from Agilulf, agil "edge (of a sword), blade" and wulf "wolf”, Ancient Germanic, male
  • Mafeed: useful, Arabic, male
  • Marik warlike, marital, Roman/Slovak
  • Meladi: gift of happiness, a person that brings joy, Persian, female
  • Menard/Maynard hardy strength, firm, powerful strength, Germanic
  • Merritt: boundary gate, Old English, male
  • Metul: measured person, knowledgeable, Sanskrit, male
  • Mufid: useful, Arabic/Middle East, male
  • Nabeh: honourable and extraordinary, African, male
  • Najib: noble, intelligent, Arabic, male
  • Nao: an honest person, who never lies, Japanese, male
  • Naseefa: speech that is spoken in secret, Afghan/Arabic, male
  • Nata: expert in giving speech, Russian/United States, female
  • Natiqa: is brilliant in giving good speech, Arabic, female
  • Nealon: devotee, cup holder, conqueror, warrior, Irish, male
  • Nedra dissident, concealed, covert, secretive, German, female
  • Neron: sea, Spanish, male
  • Nestor: traveller, Greek, male
  • Nevio: mole, Italian, male
  • Nguyet: moon, Vietnamese, female
  • Nizar: unique or a rare thing, Arabic, male
  • Nona ninth born
  • Norris from the north, English
  • Nowy: has excellent knowledge in all matters, United States, male
  • Obrad: to make happy, Serbian, male
  • Olcay: champion, conqueror, leader, victor, Turkish, unisex
  • Onni happiness, luck, Finnish
  • Opis earth/fertility goddess, riches, goods, abundance, gifts, munificence, plenty, Roman, female
  • Orrel: eagle, Russian, male
  • Osborne: god bear, English, male
  • Ozge: unique and different individual, Turkish, unisex
  • Ozul: shadow, Gothic, male
  • Paki: born to witness, unique and wonderful, African, male
  • Panas he who is immortal, Russian/Ukranian
  • Phailin: sapphire, Thai, female
  • Pham: extensive, Vietnamese, neutral
  • Porta gate, Latin, word
  • Portunus god of keys, doors, livestock and ports, Roman, male
  • Praket: intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, brilliance, brightness, Indian, male
  • Qawi: strong, powerful, and firm, Arabic/Malay, male
  • Quidel burning torch, Mapuche, male
  • Quynh: night blooming flower, Vietnamese, female
  • Rania from Ourania, muse of astronomy, Roman, female
  • Ratana: crystal, Thai, female
  • Renata: born anew, French, female
  • Ricmod: ruler, mighty, spirit, mind, Ancient Germanic, male/female
  • Riley: rye clearing, English
  • Rodion: song of the hero warrior, Russian, male
  • Roque: firm as a rock, Italian/Portuguese, male
  • Rostislav one whose glory grows, Russian/Slavic
  • Ruhiu: sword, Kenyan, male
  • Rurik notable, legendary ruler, Norwegian/Russian/Swedish, male
  • Ruslan one who is like a lion, Russian/Ukranian
  • Sarwar: chief leader, African, male
  • Secia: a gift, Latin, female
  • Seren star, Welsh
  • Sethlans god of fire, the forge, metalworking, and craftsmanship, Etruscan, male
  • Shahad pure honey, Arabic, female
  • Sharnovon unique person who has wisdom and imagination, English, male
  • Sipho: gift, Southern African/Zulu/Xhosa, male
  • Sofiya wisdom, Ukranian
  • Sovann: gold, Cambodian, neutral
  • Stas: becoming famous, Bosnian/Russian, male
  • Stasya: strength, fame or firmness, Latvian/Russian/Slavic, female
  • Stepan: one who is crowned with a crown, Russian, male
  • Stijn: constant, steadfast personality, Dutch, male
  • Stojanka: she who stands firmly on the ground, Serbian, female
  • Stokkard strong and firm like a tree, English, male
  • Suchin: beautiful thought, Thai, female
  • Svetlana she who shines brightly, Russian
  • Tahnee: female ruler of an independent state, Russian, female
  • Tamryn: palm tree, Russian, male
  • Tasanee: beautiful view, Thai, female
  • Tatiana from a family name, Roman, female
  • Tellurus male counterpart of Tellus, Roman, male
  • Tellus goddess of the earth and land, Roman, female
  • Tevy: angel, Cambodian, female
  • Thian: smooth, Vietnamese, male
  • Ticasuk: possessing the treasure of knowledge, Inuit, female
  • Timur: the east, Indonesia, male
  • Tionna: from the clan of the Roman Empire, English/Roman/Russian, female
  • Tonino: one whose price is never estimated, Italian/Roman, male
  • Tonja: precious, priceless, Russian, female
  • Tu: bright, sharp, Vietnamese, male
  • Tuan: chivalrous lord, gentlemanly, Vietnamese, male
  • Tuathal: ruler of the people, Irish Gaelic, male
  • Ulrica wolf ruler, English
  • Utari: the north, Indonesian, female
  • Uttara: a star, or north direction, Malayalam/Sanskrit, female
  • Vadim ruler, Bosnian/Russian/Slavic, male
  • Vecu land property and associated laws, rights, and contracts, Etruscan, female
  • Vichear: knowledge or education, Cambodian/Sanskrit, male
  • Vinay leading, guidance, modesty, Sanskrit, male
  • Vita life, Roman
  • Wadim: knowing one, Romanian/Russian, male
  • Wilkins will/desire, helm/protection, Medieval English
  • Williric: will, desire, ruler, mighty, Ancient Germanic, male
  • Wusul arrival, Arabic, word
  • Yemelyan: rival (from Aemilianus), Russian, male
  • Yevgeny aristocrat, Dominican Republic/Russian
  • Yonten: knowledge, Burmese/Tibetian, male
  • Zafeer: of firm and resolute intention, Middle East, male
  • Zareb guardian, African, male
  • Zawadi: gift, Kenyan, female
  • Zoffany: celestial, or a heavenly gift, Canadian, female


Cover image: Ruartei Section of the Galaxy by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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