Grandmother Shiree's Wart Remover

For the treatment of red warts.   For best effects, Cave Glory should be fresh. It grows particularly well in the Rivers Mouth. Pull up the entire plant, including the roots.   After you have collected your Cave Glory, make a very concentrated tea from the leaves. Have the patient drink at least two cups to cleanse the blood. Meanwhile, pound the snail shell into a fine powder. Masticate the roots and spit them into the bowl, combining into the two into a thick paste. Thin with a little saltwater and spread on warts. Results should be seen within one hour, with warts shrinking back down to the size of pinheads. In about two hours, the patient should see a return of energy and coordination.
  • Cave Glory (pictured above)
  • Snail Shell, powdered
  • Saltwater
Journal, Medical