Ruby Warts

Transmission & Vectors

When threatened, Ruby Snails strike with their strange antennae, which pierce the skin and introduce a rare bacteria to the system of their attackers. Usually, this causes an infection, and the combination leads to blood poisoning.


  • warts
  • loss of coordination
  • loss of energy
  • fever & chills
  • rapid breathing
  • increased heart rate
  • paleness
  • discolorations on skin
  • less urine production
  • organ failure
  • gangrene


In order to buy time, the fever must be brought down. However, this only delays death. The cure is detailed in a recipe passed down from a village elder called Grandmother Shiree. While they wait for fresh Cave Glory, they can:
  • give fluids intravenously
  • give oxygen
Usual treatment for sepsis is:
  • antibacterial
  • vasoactive meds to increase BP
  • insulin to stabilize blood sugar
  • corticosteroids for inflammation


Soon after coming into contact with the bacteria, the sufferer begins to slowly lose coordination. As it progresses, they lose energy and their temperature starts to rise. Through it all, the warts continue growing in size. The fever is usually the cause of death; however, if the fever is brought down, eventually the cause of death will be blood poisoning leading to sepsis. Paleness, fever, weakness, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate will lead to confusion, bruise-like discolorations on the skin, little urine production, organ failure, gangrene, and low blood pressure (if septic shock). Followed by death.


Depending on how bad it got, they might have Post Sepsis Syndrome:
  • damaged organs
  • insomnia
  • nightmares
  • disabling muscle and joint pains
  • fatigue
  • poor concentration
  • lowered cognitive functioning
  • lowered self-esteem
Also, side effects of blood poisoning include:
  • increased risk of blood clots

Hosts & Carriers

Ruby Snails are carriers of the bacteria that causes the condition, but are not affected by it.


It was quite common for children or even adult Nornians at unguarded moments to contract the condition, so it was rather unspectacular and easily treatable for them. However, the first modern person to get the warts was Ruby Da Costa, who died from the condition on the first expedition of the island.
Grandmother Shiree's Wart Remover