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Mror Holds

For thousands of years, blood ran like water through the cracks and crevices of the Ironroot Mountains. When the barbaric dwarves weren’t killing one another, they struggled against the Jhorash’tar orcs and other vicious creatures that lurked in the depths of the great mountains. Then, in the early days of the kingdom of Galifar, the great king gave his son Karrn the lands east of Scions Sound to govern and tame. A united dwarf nation might have resisted the Galifar expansion, but the feuding clans were too weak to challenge Karrn and his forces.   The dwarves reluctantly acquiesced and became subjects of Karrnath, one of the Five Nations of Galifar. The clans ceased fighting among themselves and slowly began to build a civilization. With a vast fortune of mineral wealth and the discovery of the Mark of Warding among one of the dwarf clans, the clans became an economic force within the kingdom.   In 106 YK, House Kundarak was admitted into the exclusive membership of the dragonmarked houses, and by the end of the century it controlled banking and financial concerns across the continent. By the start of the Last War, the barbarians had transformed into thriving mercantile clans. The old feuds still simmer beneath the surface, but the clans recognize the value of peace and cooperation.   The dwarf lords declared their independence from Karrnath at the first Iron Council in the year 914 YK. The gathered dwarf lords created a formal alliance of the dwarf clans and proclaimed the birth of a new nation, the Mror Holds. (Kundarak officially remains neutral, staying true to the tenets of the dragonmarked houses, and thus is technically not part of the formal alliance.)   The smiths and masons of the dwarves have learned much over the last thousand years, and the mountain fortresses of the Mror Lords are said to be impregnable. The dwarves, however, have little interest in conquest. The power of the Holds is iron and gold—and on this field they have few competitors.

Demography and Population

700,000 (65% dwarves, 12% humans, 10% orcs, 8% gnomes, 5% other)
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Gold Galifars
Major Exports
Banking, precious and nonprecious metals
Official Languages

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds


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