Sea hears General History of Sea Hears Timeline

General History of Sea Hears

After Land

0 and beyond

The majority of humanity resettles on land as seas become volatile and unpredictable.

  • 1 AL

    500 AL

    The 500 Years of Peace
    Era beginning/end

    These 500 years saw settlers returning to land, reforming themselves and their cultures. Those who managed to return to land first had an advantage of an abundance of resources. Soon, it became a dangerous race to claim territory. This produced reckless expeditions into unknown wilderness, amongst tension.

  • 311 AL

    Edgard Opens Borders
    Diplomatic action

  • 515 AL

    525 AL

    The First Armada
    Military action

    Border disputes led to a bloody battle of epic proportion across the seas.

  • 550 AL

    Taru Academy for Magi

    The Taru Academy for Magi is built. It is the first magical school in the Cantarian continent.

  • 555 AL

    565 AL


    The Deluce War
    Military: War

    The Deluce War began as a civil movement to oust a dictator from the country. During the conflict, several political players from the movement were assassinated or destroyed in combat, which caused a bloody anarchy and starvation when the dictatorship was removed.

  • 565 AL


    Cantari Occupation of Deluce
    Military action

    Cantari seizes control of Deluce and occupies it. Deluce becomes part of the Cantari Empire.

  • 567 AL

    Cantari Occupation of Huodaan
    Military: War

    Huodaan agrees to join the Cantari Empire in exchange for military support and protection.

  • 570 AL

    575 AL

    War of Spears - Taru Conflict
    Military action

    So called 'War of Spears' as the conflict mostly remained inside Taru's land, and the Cantari army's infamous spears were effective weapons in the initial skirmishes.   Cantari attempts to take Taru by force. The Federation defends.   albeit

  • 605 AL

    612 AL

    The Second Armada
    Military action

    Border disputes rampage into battles across the seas between nations and empires. Armadas raging war threaten Taru’s coast and livelihood, forcing the small country to war.    Taru lands shocking victory, as Lo Chen barters with the unknown Merfolk for aid.

  • 612 AL

    The Magi Council Speaks
    Diplomatic action

    The long formed Magi Council finally reveals themselves across the world. The presence of magic is no longer a myth or guarded secret. The affiliated magi declare themselves 'independent citizens' and non-political. Magi schools unite under the council's set of guidelines, which include refusal to join the military. The Magi Council's declaration is illegal in some nations, but others gradually accept The Magi Council as a world organisation. The revealing of the council reduces 'witch-hunts' and magical accidents globally.

  • 615 AL

    Cantari Builds Schools
    Construction beginning/end

    Following the public revelation of magic, Cantari organsies its policy regarding its magi citizens and rapidly builds three academies for magi children.

  • 622 AL

    Era of Flowers - Cantari
    Era beginning/end

    The Emperior of Cantari dies, and with him, the Cantari Era of Juan. After a political twist, Juan Hua becomes Empress Meigui, giving rise to the Era of Flowers.

  • 622 AL

    Taru Civil Unrest Officially Ends
    Political event

    The civil unrest in Taru since the War of Spears finally ends. Taru elects their own government. Celebrations line the street.

  • 622 AL

    Taru under Cantari rule
    Diplomatic action

    The Federation gives control of Taru to Cantari after a lengthy political agreement.

  • 625 AL

    Taru International Academy for Magi

    Taru Academy for Magi becomes internationally recognised and accepts students from across the world, quickly becoming the most popular magical school in the Cantarian Continent, yet Cantarians are not allowed to attend.

  • 628 AL

    Cantari recognises Taru International Academy

    Centari recognises Taru International Academy as a legitimate school for magi. In order for the academy to be 'allowed in Taru', it must have a certain percentage of Cantarian teachers. Despite the outcry, the school continues to grow in popularity and the drama becomes mostly forgotten.

  • 630 AL

    Year 1 begins
    Life, Education

    Year 1 of the Visual Novel begins!

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