Oath Accord

The Oath Accords represent a pivotal moment in the history of Ravenfield City, marking the end of the Crimson War and the beginning of a fragile peace between vampires and mages. This historic agreement was facilitated by Gideon Ashford, a powerful mage and the caretaker of the Ashford Library. Central to the Accords is the binding oath, signed into the very souls of the participants, ensuring unwavering commitment to the peace agreement. The Accords were signed within the Ashford Library, a neutral ground symbolizing hope, knowledge, and cooperation among the supernatural beings of the city.  

The Crimson War

  The Crimson War was a brutal conflict that tore Ravenfield City apart, pitting vampires and mages against each other. The war began when Morgan Taylor, a master mage known as the Void Weaver, created the Scarlet Plague, a deadly weapon aimed at exterminating vampires. This act of aggression led to widespread devastation and countless casualties on both sides. The conflict spiraled out of control, threatening to engulf the entire city in chaos and destruction. In this dire situation, Gideon Ashford and Sandra Dusk, an influential vampire leader, emerged as key figures seeking to end the hostilities and restore peace.  

Gideon Ashford & Sandra Dusk

  Gideon Ashford, a sage and scholar with mastery over the wheel of fate and time, played a crucial role in the peace process. His deep understanding of magic and history, coupled with his position as the guardian of the Ashford Library, made him a respected figure among both mages and vampires. Sandra Dusk, an ancient and powerful vampire, shared Gideon's vision for peace. She was determined to bridge the gap between the two warring factions and put an end to the senseless bloodshed. Their alliance was instrumental in countering Morgan Taylor's influence and laying the groundwork for the Oath Accords.  

The Ashford Library

  The Ashford Library, previously known as the Ravensfield Library, was renamed to honor Gideon Ashford's contributions to peace. Situated in the heart of Ravenfield City, the library serves as a beacon of knowledge, history, and culture. Its grand architecture and serene ambiance make it an ideal neutral ground. The library's Archive houses a vast repository of knowledge, including ancient tomes, manuscripts, and historical records. The Archive is meticulously organized, with climate-controlled conditions ensuring the preservation of delicate materials. The Ashford Library also features special collections, private meeting rooms, and an auditorium for lectures and cultural events, making it a vibrant center for community engagement.   In preparation for the Oath Accords, Gideon Ashford made the difficult decision to sever the Ashford Library from all "sleepers"—mortals without any supernatural connection. This was a significant sacrifice for Gideon, who had always enjoyed seeing the curiosity and growth of mortal minds. However, this step was necessary to maintain the library as a neutral and secure space for the supernatural community. As a result, the library became invisible and forgotten to ordinary humans, existing in a state of elsewhere but not beyond.  

The Signing

  The Oath Accords were signed within the hallowed halls of the Ashford Library. Central to this process was the Oath Sphere, a powerful magical artifact in Gideon Ashford's possession. The Oath Sphere allowed Gideon to facilitate the swearing of binding oaths, etched into the very essence of the individuals, ensuring unwavering commitment. These oaths were crucial in binding both factions to the terms of the Accords, thus bringing an end to the Crimson War.

Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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