Ravenfield Valley

In the secluded Ravenfield valley, nestled amidst rugged mountains and veiled by ancient forests, a tale unfolds of love, ambition, celestial light and tragic darkness. It is said that in the heart of Ravenfield, under the watchful gaze of sentinel trees that whispered secrets to the wind, the first vampire, driven by an insatiable desire to match his angelic lover's grace and power, sought a path to immortal glory. Once mortal lovers, their bond transcended the ordinary, yet his ambition and love led him down a treacherous path.   In the shadowed depths of Ravenfield, he pursued forbidden knowledge and delved into dark arts, seeking to elevate himself to her celestial stature. However, his pursuit twisted him into something incompatible with her purity and light. Instead of achieving harmony, he found himself ensnared by darkness, embracing a cursed existence fueled by the very essence he sought to emulate—her lifeblood.   The water rand red and white with the tears and blood of creatures so far beyond mortals. Their tragic union and breaking forged Ravenfield into a nexus of supernatural energies—a place where the veil between worlds grew thin, echoing with the consequences of their ill-fated ambition. The legend of Ravenfield endures, etched into the annals of mystical lore, where the first vampire and the angel once intertwined their destinies, forever altering their kind and the fabric of existence itself.   The valley and now the city that bears its name is fraught with unpredictable weather patterns and temperatures which will change at a moments notice. This area obeys the laws of nature only when convient falling back on ethereal eddies and mystic current that send it this way and that.   From this Ravenfield City would sprint up altering, growing and transforming across the ages. It was an allure to supernatural creatures across the land as they were unknowingly drawn like a moth to the flicker of a candle. Factions and circle would gather and growing within and around the city. The balance of power would ebb and flow over the years with each faction learning to co-exist with the others. Thsi prevented an all out war which would leave mortal caught between forces far greater than them.

Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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