Scarlet Dawn

The Scarlet Dawn is a clandestine organization within the mage community, founded and led by Morgan Taylor, also known as "Voidweaver." This group of rebel mages shares Morgan's fervent belief that vampires are a fundamental threat to humanity and must be eradicated. Comprised of dedicated followers who have also experienced the horrors inflicted by vampires, the Scarlet Dawn operates with a singular purpose: to oppose and destroy the vampire menace.  

Origins and Ideology

  The genesis of the Scarlet Dawn can be traced back to Morgan Taylor's growing disillusionment with the mage community's truce with vampires. Morgan, a former Catholic priest turned powerful mage, was devastated by the brutal murder of his wife in a vampire attack. This tragic event ignited a relentless desire for vengeance within him. As he voiced his opposition to the uneasy alliance between mages and vampires, he attracted like-minded individuals who had also suffered at the hands of these supernatural predators.   These followers saw in Morgan a leader unafraid to take a stand and possessing the strength and determination to act decisively. Thus, the Scarlet Dawn was born. Any form of alliance or truce with vampires is seen as a betrayal of humanity. Vampires are viewed as abominations that must be eradicated to ensure the safety and purity of the mortal world. Given the controversial nature of their mission, the Scarlet Dawn operates in secrecy, employing covert magic and subterfuge to achieve their goals. They maintain a vigilant watch over vampire activities and the mage community, ready to act whenever necessary.  

Operations and Tactics

  The Scarlett Plague is a sophisticated blend of Life and Death magic. It remains dormant in mortals, causing no ill effects, but activates when a vampire feeds on an infected human. The plague attacks the vampire's vitae—the mystical force that sustains them—causing intense hunger and disrupting their supernatural balance. The infected vampire's body struggles to maintain its normal state, leading to a heightened need for feeding and a frantic, weakened state. This insidious weapon spreads fear and paranoia among vampire circles, forcing them to become more cautious and distrustful.
Alternative Names
Order of the Scarlet Dawn, Blood Mages

Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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