Scarlet Plague

The Scarlett Plague, meticulously crafted by Morgan Taylor, is a testament to his mastery of both Life and Death magic. Fueled by his relentless quest for vengeance against the vampires who took his wife, Morgan dedicated every ounce of his magical prowess and resources to creating this insidious weapon. The plague is a sophisticated and malevolent blend of Life Magic's nurturing capabilities and Death Magic's destructive potential, designed to lie dormant within mortals and activate only when consumed by vampires.  

Creation and Mechanism


Design and Purpose

  • The Scarlett Plague is engineered to remain harmless in mortals, causing no detectable symptoms or ill effects. This dormancy ensures that the plague spreads widely and undetected among human populations.
  • The plague activates only when a vampire feeds on an infected mortal. The act of feeding triggers the transformation of the plague within the vampire's body, turning it into a deadly pathogen.
  • Magical Components

  • Morgan used Life Magic to create a resilient and self-sustaining pathogen that could integrate seamlessly with the human body. This aspect of the plague ensures that it can be carried indefinitely by mortals without any adverse effects, acting like a harmless part of their physiology.
  • The Death Magic component is activated upon the vampire's feeding. This magic targets the vampire's vitae, the mystical force that animates and sustains them, making the vampires hungry faster and disrupting their supernatural balance.
  • Propagation and Symptoms in Vampires

  • Once activated, the plague spreads through the vampire's vitae, causing a cascade of debilitating symptoms. These include intense hunger, uncontrollable thirst for blood, and the rapid degeneration of their control over their own blood.
  • The infected vampire's body struggles to maintain its normal state, leading to a heightened need for feeding and a frantic, weakened state.
  • The plague also interferes with the vampire's ability to manage their vitae, causing them to burn through their reserves at an accelerated rate, thereby increasing their vulnerability and desperation.
  • Strategic Impact


    Secrecy and Distribution

  • The dormant nature of the plague allows it to be distributed widely without detection. Mortals unknowingly become carriers, spreading the plague through everyday interactions.
  • This widespread distribution ensures that a significant portion of the vampire population can be affected, striking fear and uncertainty into their ranks.
  • Psychological Warfare

  • The Scarlett Plague serves not only as a physical weapon but also as a psychological one. The knowledge that any mortal could carry a lethal surprise erodes the vampires' confidence and sense of security.
  • Vampires become increasingly paranoid and cautious, potentially turning on each other in fear of infection, thus weakening their societal structure and alliances.
  • Conclusion

      The Scarlett Plague stands as a dark testament to Morgan Taylor's ingenuity, magical mastery, and unyielding quest for vengeance. It is a weapon that embodies the duality of his nature—rooted in both life and death, faith and vengeance. Through this plague, Morgan aims to bring about the downfall of the vampire menace, ensuring that no other mortal suffers the same fate as his beloved wife.

    Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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