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Akari "Jasmine" Moretti

Akari Moretti (a.k.a. Jasmine)

A seemingly ditzy, if not scatterbrained, half-elven working girl and part-time freelancer encountered in the Guilded Anvil Tavern in the Shattered Isles.


Born Akari Moretti, this half-elf girl initially lived on the isle of Daiyamondo with her wood-elven father, Lyir, and human mother Cassidy. However, she had a relatively unstable childhood due to both her parents being employed by the World Government Marines, as a result, she'd infrequently stay with various relatives throughout Daiyamondo's City of New Austin, including her aunt Minerva whom she grew close to. Despite both Lyir and Cassidy attempting to get Akari to follow in their footsteps and join the World Government workforce shortly after she turned 16, however, the half-elf's rebellious nature and being recently diagnosed with a form of Compulsive Sexual Behaviour (CSB) threw those plans out the window. As part of her slowly growing resentment towards her parents, Akari began involving herself in New Austin's criminal underworld, joining up with the Masked Jewel Dames, a gang that specialised in prostitution, blackmail and larceny. Many of her clients and fellow dames began calling her "Jasmine" for the delicate, lovey-dovey persona she portrayed while working.   Akari continued this unorthodox criminal lifestyle for a few years, even travelling to other nearby islands to expand her gang's network. However, things took a turn for the worse when she was hired to acquire information on a suspected rebel captain. The ship in question, The Sparrowhawk, was passing by the Shattered Isles when the former came under a surprise attack from The Drowned Armada. Akari was knocked unconscious and sent plummeting into the depths when the Sparrowhawk exploded.   Rather than drowning that night, Akari found herself washed up on the shore the following morning, though not without noticing a few changes to her body, mind and skillset, some changes more obvious than others. Later that night, whilst trying to make sense of what happened, Akari was bombarded by visions of Brigid, the goddess of spring, fertility and life. The half-elf soon realised she was meant to die in that surprise attack, but Brigid chose to mark her a martyr, postponing her pre-determined death in exchange for carrying out the burden of mercy. Akari was annoyed that she didn't have a say in the matter, but was going to make the most of her situation as "Jasmine".

Profession and Training

(from this point, Akari will be referred to as Jasmine as this is what she's been known as since joining up with the Masked Jewel Dames)   Before becoming a martyr, Jasmine had spent years as a prostitute and criminal, not only as a means of dealing with her CSB but also as rebelling against her parents. She picked up many talents associated with rogues and bards, including lockpicking, performance and social manipulation. Jasmine did gain some martial training, but it was mainly for self-defence should a job go sideways.   When Jasmine became a Martyr, she noticed that a few of her skills and talents had deteriorated, if not mutated in function. Despite this, Jasmine's martial capabilities had vastly improved to compensate. As a Martyr, Jasmine can cast divine spells and inflict harm upon her enemies, but they usually require her to endure mortal suffering to function. This prevents her from being able to be healed by her magic, but in exchange makes it easier to bring her back from death, should she perish before her predetermined fate demands it.   Outside of her profession, her elven blood allows Jasmine to see in the dark well, resist charms and nullify sleep magic she gets caught within the effect of. When worse comes to worse, Jasmine knows various prostitutes, criminals and outlaws scattered across the Archipelago, allowing her to send messages and request favours across the seas... for a price.  


True to her roots, Jasmine is cunning, rebellious and flirtatious to a fault. Whilst her CSB is not as bad as it used to be, especially after becoming a martyr, Jasmine still likes to indulge in her lust and other vices where time permits. Despite being forced to carry the burden of mercy, Jasmine does genuinely care about the people she associates with, whether they be clients or party members. Even though it is second nature for the half-elf to rebel against authority figures, she recognises when requests need to be followed, especially if she's been paid to see a job through.  

Meeting the Crew

Despite her jittery and rambly speech, as well as being a little drunk and flirtatious at the time, Jasmine, had taken a liking to members of the eclipse crew whom she met at the Guilded Tavern, even showing a willingness to help them with getting the supplies and crafters needed to begin major repairs on the Esclipse, introducing them to the likes of Anwyn and Gula. Among her various claims, Jasmine has stated she's been in the Shattered Isles the past few months licking her wounds and taking freelance work after she had a near-death experience, though she's yet to reveal what that included. This half-elf has made it no secret that "Jasmine" isn't her real name, but rather what she's been commonly called whilst working.


Akari "Jasmine" Moretti

Niece (Vital)

Towards Madam Minerva Moretti



Madam Minerva Moretti

Aunt (Important)

Towards Akari "Jasmine" Moretti



Current Location
Intersex Female
violet purple
Orange/Redhead, shoulder-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light-tinted Fair
Brigid (Martyr Patron)
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish


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