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Dagonly (Da-Gon-lee)

Large merfolk town under the water, it is surrounded by a bubble of resin/air that protects the citizens inside and provides them with oxygen City has been named after the god associated with healing, hunting, the sea and dogs Humans are strictly forbidden to enter the city of Dagonly under pain of death,
  Layout of Dagonly in set up in concentric circles , the outer most and lowest levels are the soldiers training grounds, barracks, the entire city is surrounded by a thick forest of giant kelp which while it is also farmed for food and fabrics it also serves as a line of defence
  The next level inwards houses all the farming, hunting, and fishing folk who wish to stay there, The cleaning staff and a squadron of kitchen staff also live in this area, it is used seasonally by different merfolk, often the soldiers intermingle with these folk and help them out in between shifts and during their down periods as the spirit of the merfolk is that while everyone may have their own jobs they prefer to do, If you can assist someone, you should.
  The next circle is home to hospitals and doctors, you can find assistance for almost any ailment that occurs, from the most minor scrape to the severest of injuries they will assist you as much as they can to the best of their abilities, This is also the circle that most of the families will live
  The next innermost circle is the nursery, the schools, where elder merfolks teach the youngest generation, this is where the newest babies are born or hatched depending on the type of merfolk they are,
  The innermost circle is a magic core, not much is known about this type of magic only that it is older than merfolk history, there is not much recorded about it aside from the myths and legends that mention it along with Queen Orihime the Light of the Kingdom
  Disposal of the dead bodies is treated in a ceremonial manner, they are covered in salt then wrapped in specially prepared leaves of Kelp and taken through to a deep valley under the water that is named aptly the Valley of Death, where the bodies are surrendered to the currents sent off with song and prayers, on occasion a large Sea Dragon will rise from the depths to accompany the body to its destination, its considered Taboo to follow the bodies to their destination,
Large city


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