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Dissimulada is a city priest of some rank and repute who is in charge of the dealings with other government departments on Marmore . As such she wields more power than her rank would suggest, as this means she is effectively the main conduit through which money (apart from donations) and trade occurs for the priesthood.   Unknown to most, she extends her power even further with under the table dealings with less reputable fellows. While the official trades she makes are all on record for other priests to see, and thus keep her in check, she runs quite the blackmarket racket, growing her own power. She utilises smugglers to transport goods off the books and will claim no knowledge if they are intercepted, or even turn on the smugglers implicating them in stealing the goods from the church. In this way she is ruthless and those that work with her are astutely aware that she will gladly backstab them, and they are not in any way gaining the favour of a powerful figure. Having said that, she offers good rates (as its not really her money that she's spending). While many things are traded, the most notable (though not by volume) is the blackmarket trade in marble that she runs (as part of other cargoes). This is highly illegal and carries a death penalty in the Red Square for any crew caught in its trade. Due to its demand though, it fetches a pretty price.   Her underworld contacts also make her dangerous as she can arrange for assassins to kill, criers to spread rumours or worse. There is a story whispered only in certain circles that a noble from the marines discovered her trade and went to accuse her in the palace, only for a young noble under her employ (or threat) to challenge the officer to a Schmitte (duel). In the duel the young noble refused to strike the officer, leaving him disgraced as he was left completely unscarred.


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