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Elementra Island

Up until about a decade, Elementra Island was a lush and dense, yet sparsely populated, tropical rainforest island located along the western regions of the Archipelago. However, everything changed shortly after the Lich Valda's sanctum, The Spire of Secrets, appeared at the island's centre. Today, most of the island's natural formations have been petrified into a mixture of jagged crystal and white marble, illuminated by the otherworldly light of the Spire of Secrets. The only parts of the island that are still both natural and livable are the southern beaches and the western riverbank, both of which meet where a small but fortified village known as Voidford resides.

Voidford is home to an assortment of semi-retired adventurers and their families who make a living by selling collected materials from the maze of jagged crystal and marble that surrounds the Spire of Secrets, as well as supplies to adventurers who desire to breach the maze or the impossibly large tower nestled within. This has led to a tedious relationship between Voidford and Valda, though the lich has yet to seek retribution upon the town. The Town Council, made up of the three most experienced adventurers, believes that Valda doesn't consider Voidford, but rather a nuisance that occasionally benefits him. As such, the townsfolk will gladly trade with adventurers and occasionally assist with exploration of the jagged maze, but generally refuse to venture into the spire itself.

The jagged maze itself, whilst beautiful in a twisted sort of way, is considered a revolving dungeon in itself, filled with areas and tunnels full of mutated variations of monsters and traps, but also the loot of adventurers who had failed to even reach the spire. It doesn't help that the majority of the island bar the beach is covered in an otherworldly fog which not only obstructs vision beyond a certain point, but also induces nightmares for anyone who spends too long in the maze itself making it nearly impossible to rest within for extended periods. On the flip side, the marble fetches a high price to those who can mine it, and many crystals extracted from the petrified rainforest are highly valuable, some of which even share properties with flawless and exquisite diamonds.

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