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Forsaken Fortress Bay

Forsaken Fortress Bay - A small rocky island in the shape of a crescent with an inlet into the harbour within. Steep rocky slopes act as a natural defence while entry into the harbour is guarded by two watch towers.     History - Initially established as a strategic military outpost, the island fell into neglect and abandonment after the war, becoming a desolate relic of its former purpose. The tides of destiny, however, took an unexpected turn as the island was claimed by a nearby matriarchal tribe of marauders known as the Gerudo.   The Gerudo swiftly took charge, refortifying the island's defences and ingeniously obstructing the narrow channels with strategically placed boulders. This not only secured their base but also created a secret route through the narrow inlet, providing them discreet access to the harbour within.   As the Gerudo settled, the fortress transformed into the epicentre of their maritime exploits, and the tribe earned a notorious moniker—the Crimson Sirens. Their growing reputation and amassed wealth, however, attracted the attention of marines who launched numerous attempts to reclaim the island and eliminate the pirates. These efforts, however, proved futile as the Gerudo defenders skilfully utilized the fortress cannons and knowledge of the treacherous hidden rocks, sinking the marine ships and adding them to the graveyard of vessels that now surrounded the island.     Culture - The matriarchal tribe of the Gerudo has evolved into a small yet formidable settlement led by the self-proclaimed pirate queen, Urbosa. This unique tribe boasts a predominantly female population, with women comprising 75% of the island's inhabitants, leaving only 25% as men. The Gerudo stand out prominently among other human races due to their tall and robust stature, often averaging a height of 6 feet. Their distinctive features include dark red hair and bronze skin, marking them as unmistakable figures on land or sea.   In a reversal of typical gender roles, the women of the Gerudo tribe lead, fight, and pillage, while the men are prohibited from sailing or leaving the island. Instead, they fulfill roles as caretakers and maintain household duties, their significance often tied to higher-ranking Gerudo women. Many Gerudo women find love outside the island with members of other human races, resulting in offspring inheriting Gerudo traits that often dominate over those of their male counterparts.   The Gerudo people hold firm to their shamanistic beliefs, revering magic as a sacred art bestowed upon a chosen few—privileged seers born with innate abilities within the community. However, the use of magic in combat is strictly forbidden, emphasizing physical prowess as the ultimate gauge of a Gerudo's strength and power.


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