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Leviathan's former enslaver and tormentor

Background:   Ghirahim, a powerful and malevolent wizard, resides within the forgotten ancient dwarven catacombs beneath Forks Island. It is within these cryptic depths that he conducts dark rituals and excavations to unearth forbidden knowledge and gain unparalleled power. In his relentless pursuit, he successfully completed a ritual that transformed him into a Mummy Lord, achieving a form of immortality by having his organs removed and concealed.   Attributes:   Undead Transformation: Ghirahim's transformation into a Mummy Lord has granted him immortality, dark powers, and an imposing undead form.   Reanimated Apprentices: Skilled in necromancy, Ghirahim has reanimated apprentices to serve him, granting him loyal minions skilled in the arcane arts.   Shady Associates: Ghirahim has formed alliances with countless shady associates, fostering a network of individuals who share his dark interests.   Undead Servants: His crypts are guarded by an array of undead servants, enforcing his will and deterring intruders.   Personality:   Cruel and Sadistic: Ghirahim embodies cruelty and sadism, finding pleasure in the suffering of others and using his powers to torment and control.
Class: Wizard Necromancer   Race: Mummy Lord Drow   Location: Forks Island


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