BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Leviathans Journal # 2

Khazra, a new adversary etched onto the growing list. In hindsight, engaging him in conversation might have been intriguing. His calm and overconfident demeanour, however, should have been a glaring warning sign that there was more to him than met the eye. I regret not stepping forward to defuse the situation, to propose a game of questions – an answer for an answer. Yet, little did I anticipate the intensity with which that elven brat hurled her words at him. She almost got us all killed, and to make the situation, she fled! Her retreat triggering Perfura to join her, leaving me stranded, the unwilling focal point of our seemingly invincible foe.
  I had long awaited the day when I could unleash the magic bestowed by my patron – a power I sacrificed everything for. Yet, what purpose did my sacrifice serve? The first real opportunity to test this newfound strength revealed a cruel irony. Every spell I hurled at him was met with a mere mild, entertained smile. Not even a flinch or wince – they had no effect whatsoever. In stark contrast, the melee attacks from the others seemed to have some impact, not that I wasn't about to get close enough to confirm it myself. Suddenly, the sacrifice I made hardly seems fitting for the reward reaped. The weight of disappointment is only slightly alleviated by the peculiar pendant I managed to acquire. I need to delve into the knowledge of fiends and pacts, seeking a way to outwit the devil who holds my fate. Perhaps within the annals of forbidden lore lies a hidden clause or loophole, a chance to con the devil out of the bargain that binds my soul.
  Alone and cornered, I had hoped to talk my way out of the dire situation. Yet, Khazra’s interest laid solely in spilling my blood. Thankfully, I had learned not to rely on others and conserved enough magic to misty step out of the five-story building. A twisted ankle from the short fall seemed a minor consequence compared to the fate of the two left behind.
  He seized control of Zoey, and once he extracts the truth about the sacrificial, tentacled pet they sought to free, he'll undoubtedly end her life and come for me. At least Tim, already unconscious, would be spared a drawn-out demise. I can't help but wonder how far the other two got in the house before facing the same fate. Without me to buy them time, he likely pursued them with the mind-controlled Zoey at his side. Serves them right for ditching me in the first place.
  The urgency to escape tightens its grip on me; with only myself left as a witness, it transforms into a battle of words against Khazra. His authoritative stature and mind-manipulating abilities present a formidable challenge. I didn't break free from one necromantic prison to succumb to another. Survival takes precedence, and I must extricate myself from this perilous situation before it becomes my final chapter—no matter the cost. The shadows of my past won't define my future, and I'll navigate this treacherous path with the resilience that brought me this far.


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