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Madam Minerva Moretti

"Given what I've heard about Ms Moretti, I figured she might have represented the most morbidly deprived and mentally insane amongst humanity, but when I discovered she was an elf, a wood elf at that, I didn't know what to think. I know elves can be a bit out there, but this? Not to say she doesn't write an entralling story. What's spookier is many of her works that aren't outright absurd are exceptionally plausible; even some of the best research papers in the Archipelago have more factual errors than her least popular story" - Norringham Ballistar.   Of The Archipelago's various writers and scholars, Minerva Morttei is perhaps one of the most controversial individuals. Whilst Minerva was a relatively unknown writer a couple decades ago, this wood-elven woman has since gained infamy for her short stories and novellas, most of which are sappy romance flings and outlandish erotica that barely fit within the category.   Between everyone who has ever read even one of her books, no one is sure how the madam can conceive the ideas she implements in most of her stories, let alone write them. And yet, despite the anguish and even disgust many readers feel whilst reading such questionable content, most struggle to put the book down, wanting to keep reading just to see what happens next. Contrary to her infamy, Minerva Morttei's books sell and have gained a cult following of vivid readers. Some of these stories include; "Shaftbelly Harpy", "16 Realms of Debauchery" and "Knight of Lechery". A surprise to many of her readers, Minerva's two most recent books, "False Fatale" and "Twilight Woman", are notably tame compared to her usual writings and have sold exceptionally, even outside the erotica market.   Over the years, many people have tried to get into Minerva's mind to figure out what goes on there, only to come up short. Whilst the rumour is sketchy at best, it suggests that even an 'otherworld being' approached her to learn her secrets. This rumour does hold some water as the madam has demonstrated powers associated with warlocks, but even that seemed to pale in comparison to her knowledge of the occult and the collection of trinkets she keeps on her person.


Akari "Jasmine" Moretti

Niece (Vital)

Towards Madam Minerva Moretti



Madam Minerva Moretti

Aunt (Important)

Towards Akari "Jasmine" Moretti





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