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Morgan Journal 2

Morgan's Personal Journal
  Location: Cabin aboard the Eclipse
  Being back over water brings a sense of relief that words can hardly capture. The gentle rocking of the ship and the endless horizon have a way of calming the storm within me. We've reached full capacity with passengers and taken on board some luxury goods destined for Braemar, making this journey more than just a routine voyage.
  Saoirse, in her usual practical manner, requested the senior members of the crew, which includes Clyde, Perfurar, Zoe, and myself, to test the cannon at the back of the ship. The task was executed without a hitch, and yet, the echoing sound and pungent smell of gunpowder triggered memories I thought I had buried deep within.
  It's strange how a simple test can transport you back in time. In that moment, the echoes of my past resurfaced, taking me back to the day I was rescued and lost my mother. A wave of melancholy swept through my heart, a pain that still runs deep within my veins. I had to compose myself swiftly, ensuring that none of my shipmates caught a glimpse of the turmoil within.
  After the test, I sought solace in the familiar confines of the cabin I share with Perfurar and the Twins. Meditating in the quiet space, I found myself drawn to the amulet that holds a profound significance. Crafted with a scale from my mother and silver from the depths of the sea, it serves as a poignant reminder of the intertwined threads of joy and sorrow that weave through the tapestry of my life. In moments like these, the quiet solitude of our cabin becomes a sanctuary, allowing me to confront the ghosts of my past and find strength in the fragments of memory that remain.


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