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Perfurar's Journal #3

General Summary

Days 3-5
  We left port, and while it was nice sleeping in a comfortable bed for once, I've always felt more at home at sea. The bonies hid below deck running the bilge pumps and sorting... stuff, I don't really know, but better down there than having passengers see them and get freaked out. Saoirse wanted to prove us to the passengers, so we did a test firing of the aft cannon - which I always hate. Luckily we nailed it and blasted an empty barrel to jetsam. At least we didn't have to use the starboard cannon, we never could've hit with that one. Anyway, we are on track to make Braemar in four days if the winds hold.
  I was on lookout and spotted smoke on the horizon, I suggested we bypass any danger, but the cap'n insisted we investigate. The ship was small, the Somnambulist, with burned sails and full crew aboard. It turns out a Triton onboard who is part of TRA burned the stowed sail and then the cabin boy - Namrus - accidently burned the mainsail. They whipped the poor lad. He was just an urchin on Marmore like us. Morgan the sweetheart insisted on taking him with us. Bless her.
  We questioned the crew with the aid of Morgan's truth magic, and eventually figured out the Triton was behind it, but a TRA ship was coming to recover stolen goods the captain (Dinvus) stole from them. I offered to help, but others weren't so keen, so we sold them some sail and I paid for an old friend of ours - Damia - to join us less she befall a nasty fate if the captain resisted the next day. In the end we made sail with two extra souls, one less sail and a handsome sum of money. Well, Saoirse did.
We continue south after a little detour, making for the White Lotus Lighthouse and stronger winds. I pray we don't end up needing that sail.
Report Date
02 Nov 2023


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