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Perfurar's Journal #4

General Summary

Days 6-7
  After a while of sailing South I saw a storm on the Eastern horizon, so we set heavy sail to take advantage of the strong winds until it fell upon us and pulled up sail. We waited it out without ill-effect, only minor damage that was easy to restore. We were, however, swept to the East and out into deep waters, so we chartered a route Sou-West towards Wattamollan to save time.
  During the night, apparently some sort of giant cephalopod was seen off the port-bow, laying dozens of giant eggs and cutting our speed by several knots. Once the morning shift began, Cap'n Saoirse allowed us to recover six of the eggs to sell later as well as 2 for a delicious calamari omelette! Zoe Pappas and Clyde took advantage of the fact that they don't need to breath to remove the rest from the hull, allowing us to return to full speed. Remind me never to contest them in keel-scurrying in the future.
  We then set course due West to return to shallow waters promptly before mumma kraken returned to the scene of infanticide trailing our rudder. The winds aren't favourable, but I pray Jack le Fae is able to help us make all haste to safety before we continue south.
Report Date
09 Nov 2023


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