BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Perfurars Journal #14

We travelled deeper into the dark abyss that is the so called basement, or bowels of this horrid manse and found all kinds of strange and macabre objects such as a giant eye, a decaying finger and a bag of guano. Further through was a portculis in water which Tim and Tina went through the metal bars in a gaseous form courtesy of our enigmatic Zoe Pappas. Tim opened the gate and as we went in we saw a giant almost rotting tentacle reaching out of the water, restrained by some rusted old chains. In fear I shot a bolt into its fetid limb as a psychic shriek screeched at our minds. Time used a knife to make some sort of blood offering and it calmed. I jumped down into the water and wrestled with a fulcrum, rending the bars with a strength I barely recognised as my own. Zoe also did some hocus pocus, shattering the other chain and with that the beast was freed. It thrashed around, sending splinters everywhere, taking Tim down.   I searched further and found a hidden door which led to a dozen cells with various remains in shackles, taking a signet ring and a strange pouch full of powder with me. I noticed the others had left already, so made my way back up cautiously. I could hear voices above, it sounded as if an unknown man, the mayor I believe was questioning them. Either way, it ended in violence as he attacked. A rapid melee ensued with Zoe and I dancing around this imposing imposter, trading blows furiously, blood being sprayed hap-hazardly with the odd pyrotechnical blast and arrow flying in from time to time. This 'mayor', was clearly not human, at least not in the normal sense, and Zoe also showed a new side of her, biting his neck with vampyric teeth, leeching a portion of his very life essence away, giving her some vigor. All of a sudden, he gazed into Zoe's eyes hypnotically, seducing her with his evil guile, turning our most trusted ally into a traitorous threat. Foreseeing our rapidly impending doom, we left with great haste and abandon, fleeing towards the town. Zoe was threatened by the mysterious mayor, cautioning us to all leave the island immediately. We caught up with Morgan and much of the crew part way down before deciding what to do next.


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