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The Shattered Island is home to two distinct peoples separated by a mountain range. On the west side are the Sukulluku who are lizardfolk that dwell in the wet, forested and windward archipelago. The main settlement to the north is called Llaqta and the smaller villages among the islands (islakuna) are called the "aldea". They believe in living in harmony with nature, maintaining the natural order as much as possible, limiting their impact and opposing those who would damage the landscape. As such, they primarily use timber, leather, bone, skins and other natural materials for construction as well as fish and crustaceans for trade. They are in a perpetual, albeit scaled back, conflict with the Gente who occupy the eastern half of the island. They are stand-offish to outsiders and need to be convinced of foreigners virtue, being slow to trust.
Geopolitical, City council


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