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The Drowned Armada

Named after the white witch herself, The Drowned Armarda is the personal fleet of Ixchel. Nine mighty vessels, each piloted by a witch-captain of Ixchel's coven, make up the main bulk of the fleet, with any smaller boats placed under the command of the individual witch-captains themselves.

The Shadowed Reaper

The Shadowed Reaper's hull is made from ancient, weathered wood that seems to absorb light rather than reflect it. Skeletal figures, both humanoid and animal, adorn the ship's exterior, serving as grim decorations that instil fear in any who gaze upon it. Ghostly wisps of dark energy occasionally drift from the ship, hinting at the powerful necromantic magic that permeates its decks. The majority of the crew is made up of reanimated undead or ghostly spirits bound to the mortal realm, though a small number of living sailors are confirmed to work aboard the ship.

Captain Morwen the Grim

Morwen is a mysterious figure, cloaked in darkness and wielding powerful necromantic abilities. Her past isshrouded in secrecy, and rumours swirl about her connection to the realm of the dead. Despite her fascination with the dead and black magic and never being seen eating or drinking, Morwen has shown no signs of being undead herself. Rumour has it that Morwen is a collector of unusual fish and exotic shells, and that the Black Witch herself has a soft spot for stray cats, much like the one that's been with her since her rise to command

The Crimson Tide

The Crimson Tide's sails are stained a deep crimson, bearing the marks of countless blood sacrifices made in the name of power. Blood-red runes cover the ship's deck, pulsating with energy as they channel the life force of those sacrificed to empower the vessel. The air around the ship is heavy with the metallic scent of blood, serving as a constant reminder of the dark magic that fuels its movements.

Captain Vaela Bloodborne

Vaela is a formidable and ruthless leader, her thirst for power matched only by her mastery of blood magic. She commands absolute loyalty from her crew, who willingly offer their blood to fuel her incantations, though Vaela is just as ready to sacrifice her own blood when needed. Valea is often seen with a hawk over her shoulder or perched nearby, watching any who might threaten her. Those who meet the Blood Witch would first expect to see a heavily scarred flagellant in bloody robes, and not a refined woman adorned in extravagant jewellery and artisan-crafted garments adorned with macabre motifs. Even more unusual, a few sailors have reported that Valea is a skilled painter, and sometimes, those who've done a favour for her will be lucky enough to have their depictions captured onto her canvas.


The Verdant Whisper

The Verdant Whisper is adorned with living plant life, from sprawling vines that cover the mast to vibrant flowers that bloom along the railing. Animals, both terrestrial and aquatic, freely roam the ship, serving as companions and guardians to Thalia and her crew. Magical wards and charms, crafted from natural materials, adorn the ship's hull, offering protection and guidance against the dangers of the sea.

Captain Thalia Greenleaf

Often mistaken for a druid, Thalia is a wise and compassionate witch of the green, deeply attuned to the rhythms of nature. She views the sea not as an obstacle to be conquered, but as a living entity to be respected and protected. Even with the various critters that make their home aboard the ship, Thalia seems to be quite fond of a particular crab and toad that seem unusually tough for creatures of their types. When it comes to her acts of piracy, Thalia seems to focus her efforts on those who desire to harm wildlife and has even clashed with her crewmates who've indulged in excessive hunting or mistreating the natural world. However, those who share her ideals might themselves be gifted with one of her intricate trinkets or jewellery pieces made from the natural world.

The Enchantress' Embrace

The Enchantress' Embrace is a vision of opulence and grandeur, its decks adorned with exquisite tapestries, gilded fixtures, and enchanted artifacts. Illusory creatures and phantasmal images dance along the ship's exterior, creating a mesmerizing display that disorients and confounds those who approach too closely. the lower decks and the captain's cabin are believed to be a labyrinth of enchantments, its true layout hidden behind layers of illusion and glamor, ensuring their privacy and security at all times.

Captain Aurelia Violet

Aurelia is a master of enchantment magic, her beguiling charm masking a cunning intellect and insatiable thirst for power. She seeks to bend reality to her will, using her enchantments to manipulate friend and foe alike. Unsurprisingly, the Purple Witch has an insatiable sweet tooth, and those unfortunate enough to be robbed by her crew usually find most, if not all, their sweets, candies and other sugary delights, with the most exotic ones being kept for herself and the sprite that accompanies her.

The Inferno's Fury

The Inferno's Fury is wreathed in flames, its hull scorched and blackened by the heat of its own infernal power. Flames dance along the edges of this ship, leaving a trail of smoke and ash in its wake, the hottest fire seems to endlessly erupt from the bow of the ship, acting as a pseudo-ram against enemy ships. The crew is mostly comprised of fire elementals and pyromancers, their burning fury matched only by their captain's own blazing wrath.

Captain Draven Flameheart

Draven is a fiery and impulsive pirate, his lust for destruction matched only by his burning ambition. He seeks to conquer the seas through sheer force of will, leaving a trail of smouldering wreckage in his wake, his desires seemingly only reigned in by the command of The Drowned Witch herself, his fellow witch-captains and his closest friends. Those lucky enough to catch this Red Witch in a good mood whilst in his presence might find themselves treated to a gourmet meal of his making, yet can't bring themselves to ask about the kittens he apparently keeps in his cabin.

The Bladesong Voyager

The Bladesong Voyager bristles with weaponry, its deck lined with racks of gleaming swords, axes, and polearms. Skilled swordsmen and warriors spar on the deck day and night, their movements fluid and precise as they train under the captain's watchful eye. The ship's hull is reinforced with enchanted steel, rendering it nearly impervious to enemy attacks and allowing it to cut through the waves (and unarmoured ships) with ease.

Captain Katarina Steelwind

Katarina is a renowned swordswoman, her skill with a blade unmatched on the high seas. She leads her crew with discipline and precision, honing their martial prowess to perfection. Katarina is fiercely competitive by nature and is known to challenge members of her crew, as well as potential rivals and would-be victims to duels of skill and strength, often betting on the outcome to keep things interesting. Despite her gruff exterior and eagerness to raid, pillage and plunder, the Steel Witch does have a soft spot for the arts and often recites poetry in conversation. sailors who've interacted with Katarina often notice a tin solder strapped to her belt, though they swear to have seen it move or even vanish at a moment's notice.

Tea Leaf Oracle

The Tea Leaf Oracle exudes an aura of serenity and tranquillity, its decks adorned with lush carpets, ornate tapestries, and comfortable seating areas where crew members can relax and meditate. A fragrant tea garden grows on the ship's upper deck, tended by skilled herbalists who brew healing teas and potions for the crew. It is believed the captain's cabin is a sanctuary of divination, its walls lined with shelves of ancient tomes and mystical artifacts.

Captain Finneas Le Seer

Finneas is a wise and insightful oracle, his visions guiding the course of his ship through even the most treacherous waters. He serves as both captain and counsellor to his crew, offering guidance and wisdom in times of need. Finneas is a skilled herbalist and enjoys experimenting with different blends of tea, often creating unique concoctions that have unexpected magical effects, which he eagerly shares with his crew, guests and even prisoners. Only a fool considers the Tea Witch to not be a threat, for whilst Finneas rarely has his crew plunder beyond what's needed to survive when he sets his sights on a target, he executes a befitting plan with near-perfect precision and timing. Day and night, an owl with brown feathers seem to watch over Finneas

Harmony's Echo

The Harmony's Echo resounds with the melody of laughter and music, its decks alive with the sounds of singing, dancing, and merriment. All the crew aboard the ship are talented musicians, performers and entertainers, with those active upon the main deck their music weaving a tapestry of sound that uplifts the spirits of all who hear it throughout the day.

Captain Melodia Songweaver

Often mistaken for a bard, Melodia is a musician of unparalleled talent, her music capable of soothing the fiercest storm and inspiring the bravest heart. She leads her crew with songs of friendship and camaraderie, fostering a sense of unity and harmony among them. The self-proclaimed Technocolour Witch, whilst loyal to the Drowned Armarda, is known to be a hopeless romantic with a rebellious streak, doing what she believes is right or most beneficial to everyone in the heat of the moment. Despite this, she's no less eager to indulge in piracy on the high seas and will gladly rob to survive, especially those who indulge in excessive villainy. Compared to the other Witches of her coven, Melodia can often be seen in the company of various critters, charmed and taken in by her song.


The White Remedy

The White Remedy emanates an aura of warmth and healing, its decks bathed in soft light and adorned with symbols of healing and renewal. Radiant energy emanates from this ship, healing the wounds and injuries of the crew and their allies, ensuring their survival. Protective runes mark the structure of the ship, hardening against incoming fire and slowly repairing itself over time.   This ship is the personal flagship of Captain Ixchel, The Drowned, who is also regarded as a White Witch despite the curse afflicted upon her all those years ago. Much like her, the Pseudodragon seen in Ixchel's company seems to be conflicted between vengence and freedom.


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