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The Mariner's Association

The Mariner's Association (or simply the Association) is one of the most successful and independent guilds in the Archipelago. The Association originally started as an offshoot of the Archipelago Adventurer's Guild back in the early -57 ASC, but various events between -3 ASC and 16 ASC have caused the Adventuring Guild to fall out of favour, allowing The Association to rise to prominence as the main source of jobs, contracts and unusual requests. These typically range from straightforward salvage and delivery jobs to more sophisticated, if not outright hazardous, Bounty Hunting, Monster Part Recovery and Below-Sealine Exploration. When it comes to general recruitment for seafarers, for a small fee, The Association is more than happy to recommend aspiring seafarers to captains looking for crew members and vice versa.

The Association maintain a presence within almost every village or port island accessible to the general public, operating as a general hub for seafarers and other mariners seeking work, though the exact presence greatly varies from established guild-houses maintained by over a dozen staff to mere outposts manned by one or two agents.  Even though The Association has largely distanced itself from Adventurer's Guild, there are some old traditions and business practices they maintain. For starters, whilst it is generally free to hire and acquire low-level work through the Association, an annual membership is typically required to not only take on higher-level but also acquire access to any additional facilities that the office can provide. In addition, though less common, when it comes to seafarers looking to acquire the skills and abilities associated with a particular extra-curriculum; The Association, for a small fee, is more than happy to get the seafarer into contact with someone who can provide the required training.  

Regarding the factions and politics of the Archipelago, The Mariner's Association is typically neutral in both regards. The Marines and their supporters have claimed on multiple occasions The Association, like the Adventurer's Guild, owes its loyalty to the World Government. In practice, The Association has counterclaimed that doing so would not only severely limit their business ventures but put them into conflict, if not war, with The Revolutionary Army. Whilst The Association doesn't prevent suspected members of the marines or revolutionaries from accessing its services, they are more than prepared to fight back against any who try to interfere with their business.
Guild, Professional

Non-hostile, neutral


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