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The Spire of Secrets

"This is unlike anything i've ever seen. A tower so tall it looks like it breached right into the otherworlds, and yet unseen by everyone except those who venture near Elementra Island. I'm not going to lie, I ignored the warnings the first time. ignored them the fifth. I ignored them the tenth. and yet, every time I went in there to face Valda, I lost almost my entire adventuring party. These days, I find it a lot easier to come back with more people alive when you're only there to plunder or recover, rather than vanquish. If I can offer one piece of advice, should you ever desire to set sail to Elementra Island, consider celebrating your funeral first" - excerpt from Norringham Balistar's Guide to the Archepelago.

Centuries ago, when the mainland was still habitable to mundane folk, the lich Valda raised an enormous tower on the intersecting borders of four kingdoms. The magic Valda infused with it ensured the outside world couldn't see this impossibly tall tower, nor accidentally found by anyone who didn't know what to look for. Whilst many brave souls have braved the tower, either to plunder the spire or destroy its owner, very few have ever come back alive, and rarely as they once were. Sometime after the mainland was abandoned, stories about The Spire of Secrets had become little more than myth or legend.

And yet, even amongst those who knew the Spire was real, no one could have predicted it appearing in the Archipelago around 15 ASC, petrifying what was once the lush rainforests of Elementra Island into entire forests of jagged otherworldly crystals, just like the ones found on the mainland. When researchers, marines and even adventurers came to see what had happened, they quickly discovered the newly petrified rainforestwas filled with fiendish traps and monstrous, crystalline creatures of all known types awaiting in ambush. Even those who managed to get to the Spire itself found it no less dangerous, especially as the mad lich himself was, for lack of better phrasing, still alive and as powerful as ever. To the horrors of the few who managed to escape the Spire, everyone who fell in battle had been turned into marble-like statues before they could die, becoming part of Valda's ever-growing collection. Even attempts to draw the Lich out of his tower had fallen in vain.
Tower, Mage

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