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Tim and Tina

Tim and Tina are twins on board The Eclipse, they were brought on board around 4 years ago and have formed a close friendship with Morgan SeaDreamer.   Tim fulfills the role of weapons expert on the ship and is in charge of making sure all cannons are worthy and ready to fire at any point needed. At the same time, The Eclipse is not a warship, It does have the capacity to defend itself and all crew members are expected to battle when need be.   Tina is an aspiring chef and assists her brother with weapons, although her focus is on blade upkeep, at any given time she will have half a dozen throwing knives on her person   Tim and Tina have an unusual background, they were brought up in a circus and as such they are skilled acrobats, they both enjoy running around the ship and climbing the rigging, causing some crew members to have heart attacks at their daring stunts,   Tim and Tina Look extremely alike, so much so that sometimes it is hard to know who are talking to as they are prone to pretending to be each other on a regular basis   They are both around the age of 50; as they are elves, they are currently the equivalent of teenagers and thus prone to idiocy,   Recent stunts include
  • Dying the Captain's linen pink
  • Exchanging gunpowder for fine glitter gunpowder ( it still exploded it just left everything ... Glittery)
  • Painting Zoe Pappas's Skeletons Pink and Purple
  • Perfurar was treated to his hair being dyed a bright yellow
  • Currently the twins have been storing Apples in the skeletons heads and causing unaware crew members to get more of a shock when they suddenly see the skeletons with bright red eyes


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