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World Government

The World Government, sometimes referred to as the Empire, is a political body that encompasses virtually all of the known world. Its history is long, complex and shadowed in re-written history to ensure its own virtuitous image, however, it is a facade covering up a myriad of atrocities from oppressive rule to outright genocide. Some parts are semi-autonomous holdings, run by the dreaded Sealords who were once independent warring states that were accepted into the World Government, but don't follow all of their laws. While slavery was abolished some 30 years ago, it is still present in the realms of the Sealords where their will holds sway. The World Government has an iron grip on most of the mainland realms, but in the oceans the iron has rusted leaving semi-autonomous settlements as well as independent towns that were never under their control.   The population is predominantly human, with various other races interspersed, but in the colonies there is a greater proportion of non-humans, especially races that were mistreated. The main settlement in the colonies is Marmore, an island-city that acts as the first port-of-call for those heading seaward from the mainland. The people of the colonies, however, lack the same loyalty of the mainlanders, and even have their own creole language which is a mix of commong, Gnomish and various other loanwords from a wide range of languages. While the World Government attempts to assert a strict 'Common-only' official language, many colonists prefer their own.
Geopolitical, Empire

Non-hostile, neutral


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