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Zoé Pappas (Zo-e Pap-Pas)

Zoé Pappas is a former human-turned-dhampir death knight who had turned to necromancy so she could make friends in her own unorthadox way. Believing immortality will allow for her to play with her friends forever, Zoé is determined to undergo the Rite of Lichdom. Until she's ready, Zoé will settle with lifting up the spirits of those she travels with.


Zoé was born in the gothic-tribal village of Shady Gallows, a settlement nestled in the southern swampy jungle corners of Mori Island, one of the two islands that make up Memento Mori Islands. Whilst she was still human, Zoé grew up in the care of her parents, Iason and Chanda, and her older brother, Thanatos. However, feeling somewhat neglected by her parents in favour of Thanatos and struggling to find friendship amongst the village children, Zoé began studying necromancy under the guidance of the local bone shamans to make her own friends to play with.   Despite only a few months into her training, Zoé's unorthodox approach to necromancy and pursuit of companionship allowed her to raise her first undead without binding magic. A feat that surprised most people in the village, and even spooked some. With her new bony friend, Alfred, Zoé made up for lost time, getting up to all the fun and mischief she craved, eventually raising a second skeleton named Boris. However, sometime later, Zoé got caught up in the moment and feared the idea of withering away alone whilst her new friends would live well past her lifetime. In desperation, Zoé attempted to prematurely undergo the Rite of Lichdom, even harnessing the vampiric Dead Mists of the Spirit Realm to fuel her transformation. Not physically or mentally prepared for the ritual, Zoé experienced a world of pain as her being was sapped in the attempted transformation. If not for the timely intervention of her brother, who managed to pull her out of the Dead Mists' grasp at the last second, Zoé may not have survived.   Zoé would take several months to recover, but the damage was done. If not for her new connection to the Dead Mists slowly chipping away at her life force, Zoé may have considered abandoning her pursuit of Lichdom like her family initially hoped. Knowing death or Lichdom was inevitable now, Zoé resolved to use her powers and remaining time alive to help those around her as best as she could and make as many friends along the way.

Profession & Training

Zoé is, first and foremost, a necromancer. Unlike more traditional spellcasters who channel their magic to raise the undead and briefly bind them with magic, Zoé's unorthodox approach allows her to raise and maintain a limited number of undead indefinitely, as well as heal and hide them if required, preferring to use a more friendly approach to keep them from going berserk. Zoé has specialised as a death knight, honing her martial skills with all forms of weapons and armour, though at the expense of limiting her magical aptitude and mental capacity for known spells and incantations.   Outside of her class training, Zoé is highly intelligent and is reasonably versed in many topics related to the history and the religions of the Archipelago. Despite her appearance easily spooking many people around her, Zoé knows how to get a read on people and help calm their nerves when required.   As someone who regularly sails on the open seas, Zoé is quite adept at piloting several forms of watercraft, as well as fixing them with her carpentry skills as needed.

Personality & Morality

At times, Zoé is quite bubbly around her friends and loved ones, always wanting to see them happy, whether alive or undead. Zoé is also protective to a fault, willing to step into the firing line to prevent someone she cares about from getting hurt. Ironically, despite being of a profession that relies on the people around her dying, Zoé actively avoids killing where possible, preferring to utilise more non-lethal tactics in her fights. Zoé has even gone as far as to not only hone her fighting styles and spellcraft but also train her undead to ensure the best chance at neutralising a threat without killing them.   Those who've known Zoé for a while know of her desire to ascend to Lichdom, her way of playing forever with those she cherishes and helping those in need. However, some think Zoé may be misguided at best, and doomed to become corrupted in death at worst.   Despite her admiration for being a social butterfly, there are times when Zoé needs to pull herself away from the world, partaking in a little fishing or woodworking if resources permit. Even the undead loyal to her won't dare disturb her brief moments of solitude if the news isn't necessary.


Thanatos Pappas

Brother (Vital)

Towards Zoé Pappas



Zoé Pappas

Sister (Important)

Towards Thanatos Pappas



Nina le Fae

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Zoé Pappas



Zoé Pappas

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Nina le Fae



Jack le Fae

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Zoé Pappas



Zoé Pappas

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Jack le Fae



Thanatos Pappas (Brother)
Crimson Red
Flowing, light grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5'7", 1.7m
157lb, 71.2kg
The Morrigan (Celtic Pantheon)


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