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Zoé's journal #5 - The Claughton Incident

General Summary

  • I don't know how we got roped into this, but Perfurar and Clyde insisted on dragging myself, Theon and the twins with them to meet with the mayor in hopes of securing a trade for a new sail. We arrived at the mayor's manor only to find he wasn't there, despite the locals suggesting otherwise.

  • Despite there being no sign of anyone, Perfurar and Clyde decided to go in as the front door was unlocked whilst the rest of us waited. Barely five minutes passed before the rest of us heard screams from upstairs. I know we were technically trespassing at this point. The boys were clearly in danger, so I rushed inside to help them, though, by the time I got there, I saw them beating up a suit of animated armour and proceeding to bag it between them.

  • Of course, Clyde vanished the moment we took our eyes off him, and, concerned that this place was filled with more dangers, the group split up to search the house to find him, only to discover this manor house was full of ghosts and more animated armour. After reconvening with Theon and the Twins, we followed after Perfurar who discovered a secret staircase up and a minute later a long spiral staircase down to some catacombs filled with murderous insects and undead creatures, ghouls and the like.

  • As we explored deeper, we found a locked-off chamber where what appeared to be a tentacle of some description was impaled and chained down. Being hit by mixed psionic visions, presumingly from the entity this tentacle belonged to, we collectively decided to free it. However, in the process, Tim was heavily wounded and seeing as we didn't have Morgan or any other means of healing we collectively agreed to fall back.

  • As if our luck couldn't get any worse, we bumped into the mayor as we came back up the staircase into the manor; Khazra, I think his name was, wasn't happy we were inside the hidden catacombs. Things quickly escalated into violence with the mayor attacking first. We defended ourselves, but almost everything we tried to neutralise Khazra did little: fire, frost, necrotic energy, nothing. Even our weapons did very little. Feeling like I was going to die, I desperately bit into Khazra, hoping to give myself some more life force to keep fighting, only to discover that his skin was not only exceptionally tough but tasted like fur.

  • to make matters worse, he managed to take control of my mind, forcing me to protect him from everyone else. it didn't take long for Perfurar, Theon and Tina to flee, leaving me and the unconscious Tim to our fates. As i still couldn't control my body, i was scared this mayor would make me off myself or Tim, but instead, he interrogated me, thinking our party were part of a group called the Order of Light sent to interfere his plans, whatever they were. However, when it became clear that I didn't know what he was talking about, he used magic to analyse me and made me abandon my gauntlets of strength before informing me that the crew were no longer welcome on the island and that if he discovered anything was amiss in the catacombs, he would find and kill us all.

  • Once my mind was freed, I grabbed Tim and ran. I eventually found the rest of the party and some of the crew sent to check up on us, informing them all we had to leave now; otherwise, Grinning Jack would be the least of our concerns.

  •   ___
    I know this happened after we left the island, but I experienced a vivid dream and nightmare that kept me from sleeping properly. My village burned, and everyone i cared about(both there and here) dying to an unseen force. I'm not sure if this is related, but i have a feeling that fathomless entity that we helped may have sent a premonition warning after everything we did on Claughton, i don't that will be the last we see of either Khazra or the Fathomless.
    Report Date
    02 Feb 2024
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