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Zoe's Journel #8 - Ups and Downs

Day 14 (Night)

Given that I'm not a fully-fledged priest of the Morrigan, I'm a little surprised they answered my prayers in the way that did. I don't remember which of the sisters graced me with their presence, only that they weren't upset with me for running in fear from Khazra. Its easy to forget they're a lot more lax on their non-priests.

Day 15

Long story short, Morrigan told me to cleanse myself over a day. As there are many ways to cleanse and empty oneself, i elected to do everything I could think of; Going a full day without food, polishing my armour, meditating, even bathing myself... I think i saw Nina steal a couple glances before the Skelly Boys realised what she was doing. Speaking of Nina, given the obvious feelings between us, I ended up pulling her into my cabin during the shift change. It's been a while since I've been intimate with someone, even longer since with a girl, but to fully cleanse myself i needed to deal with these pent-up feelings, and this was the only way i could think of on short notice. The stuff we got up to in the couple hours before the ship was attacked, if Perfurar and Morgan found out... well, maybe it would given Theorn some breathing room.   As for what happened afterwards. the Eclipse was attacked by a private vessel full of bloodsuckers i believe. the Skelly Boys rushed upstairs to join the counter-boarding party whilst Nina, despite her drunkenness, helped me into my armour just in time to help fight against the Bloodsuckers. I don't know how long the fight between the Eclipse and the Bloodsucking Pirates were, only that i kept moving back and forth between the decks, fending off ou attackers despite my tiredness. If i was going to die tonight, it wouldn't be in bed. however, mid-fight, i felt powerful arching jolts of pain at random points through the skirmish, four to be exact, as if i just felt a close friend die.   Before long, both of our ships had taken damaged from a mysterious collateral sealurker swimming beneath. soon after, the Bloodsuckers' vessel caught fight, and our counter-boarding party had managed to jump back aboard our boat just as we'd dealt with the last of the Bloodsuckers on the Eclipse. Well, most of the counter-boarding party. I quickly noticed that neither Krunk, nor any of the Skelly Boys were accounted for. when Morgan gave me Borus' boomerang top hat i immediately knew what had happened, why i felt those jolts of pain and angish. Alfred, Borus, Cedric, Devos; they were all gone. i was willing to become a lich to not leave them behind, i condemned myself to the mercy of the Dead Mists for it, and now they're gone.   I wanted to break down and cry then and there, but i knew we were still in danger, even if we managed to get away from the now ablaze pirate ship. We were taking on water fast, and there wouldn't be time to grieve later if the rest of us sunk into Davy Jones' locker. the best thing i can do now is work to ensure the rest of my fellow crewmates live to see tomorrow. i remember smashing up a lot of the wooden crates in an effort to have the wood needed to patch up the holes. I was glad Jack was there to destroy huge chunks of water that gotten in, gave us time to patch the holes up. we were so caught up in keeping ourselves afloat that i think we accidentally disassembled Clyde's closest. i don't know if anyone asked Clyde to help, but knowing him its probably for the best he stayed sitting there.   Once things started to die down, once it was clear we had done everything we can to stop water from getting in, i think either the Cap'n or Benedict called me up to the top deck along with a few others to discuss our next move, probably since we really needed to dock somewhere and properly finish up patching up.   However, just when things literally couldn't get any worse, we came under attack by a Collasial bird, a Roc i believe. Why are we getting attacked by every massive creature in the Archepellago? Suffice to say, in the chaos that followed, i was randomly santched up by the Roc, along with Morgan. We tried to free ourselves from its talons, but it soon got to the point that we were so high above the water that in our current state we'd likely die from the impact alone. the best thing we could do was conserve our strength and hope we come back a lot lower soon.


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