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The Rhylian Empire

The Rhylian Empire is one of the three major political entities of the Faerwyn continent.  


Founded hundreds of years before the Banishment, the Empire was initially an alliance of Human, Elven, and Dwarven kingdoms that eventually merged and successfully conquered by military force a vast swath of land, from the Unforgiving Peaks all the way beyond the Azir Desert. Their extended dominion lasted for hundreds of years, until eventually the peoples of Andor and neighbouring towns rebelled and formed what would become the Andorian Theocracy. Since the invasion of Hrak-Tuzul and the Hundred Years War the Rhylian Empire stopped its expansions efforts and focused on rebuilding what was lost to the war.  


The Empire is governed by the Unseen Emperor, aided by the Council of Three. Each town and village in the empire is lead by its Burgomaster that answers directly to the Council. Taxes are collected monthly by the burgomasters and sent back to Rhyl either via conventional means or magic, depending on the value.  

Military, Power, and Corruption

The strength of the Rhylian Empire lies in its military, with its troops trained to work together small special forces of battle mages. A career in the higher military ranks means also to have a high social status, with generals and admirals regularly invited to participate in socialite parties and revelries. Even lower ranking troops generally are held in high regards by the law abiding population, and are treated with respect.   Social status and power is everything in the Empire. Nobles constantly play the game of diplomacy, connections, parties, false smiles and backstabbing. All while being very careful to abide to the many, many laws that the Empire has produced over the years. Skilled socialites can pull the right levers, put words in the right peoples ears, and have an enemys career destroyed by entangling them in accusations that require months if not years to disprove through the draconian bureaucracy of the Empire.   Meanwhile common people get by in an environment that is generally cynical and disillusioned, for the most part. Some of the most enterprising people like the challenge of "getting up there", though, and live their lives doing their best to emerge from the shadows of anonymity, whether by deeds, social skills, or simply ignoring the laws and trying not to get caught.  

Travel, Trade and Communications

Travel in the lands of the Empire is relatively safe, with the major roads regularly patrolled by guards, but it's limited to walking, horseback or carriage when going inland. Most people moving along the coast favor tavel by boat, although it tends to be more expensive.   Trade is active both with the Trivanis Commonwealth and the Andorian Theocracy, although the latter is slowing down considerably because of the tensions between the two governments.   Rhylian economy revolves around metal and K'Dasj extraction, wood, animal husbandry, and, to a lesser extent agriculture and fishing. Exotic fruits, spices, fish, and luxury items are imported from both neighbouring states.   Communications are generally limited by the speed of the messengers and the distance. Magic is used only in very special circumstances as the cost of employing spellcasters for trivial communications would be unjustified. The excessive bureaucracy slows down official communications, so the Empire tends to react slowly to change.
Founding Date
687 BB
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

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Cover image: Dark Hills by Nele Diel


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