Vadath Ethnicity in Skies of Himinil | World Anvil
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East of Krithia and northeast of Mokson, lies the largest island of them all, Vadath. Vadath is no kingdom nor country. It is an agreement. The people of Vadath are vastly different from one another in terms of culture. Vadath was once a land of constant war and strife. The many clans on the island fought one another for land, wealth, and petty acts of revenge. During a military campaign that took several long years, Bedwyr Wathen was able to unite all of Vadath under a single rule.   Vadath, the island, is the largest and highest island of all. It is nearly three miles tall, and its surface stretches far enough to require a man a full year to walk end to end. Its reputation is being a bitter place, but in the summer months, it is one of the most comfortable islands in all the world. Massive rivers run off a full mountain range which fuel lakes large enough to sail on with normal sailboats. Fish swim these lakes, giving Vadath an abundance of the delicacy that is seafood.   Vadaths culture is set up as tribal states, but this does not mean they are a primitive people. They build cities with massive clockwork machines, have complex economics, and have intricate rules. Vadath only has 5 proper cities, but all five are designed to last. Nowadays tribes act more like individual states or colonies of Vadath, each paying taxes to the country as a whole.  


  Vadathan military is made up of representatives of every clan under the ruler-ship of Bedwyr Wathen. Each clan trains their soldiers in their own ways and teaches them their own rituals for military life. Tattoos are common among Vadathan soldiers to represent which tribe and clan they come from.   Vadath does produce firearms and clockwork devices like any other major power. But these tools are symbols of victory and strength to a Vadathan. Soldiers are given firearms as rewards for hard-earned victories or are earned in duels with other soldiers. This means a Vadathan with a firearm is experienced and capable. Some Vadathan soldiers will give their guns to enemies who best them as a sign of respect.  

Family and Naming Traditions

  Clan and Tribe pride is very important in Vadath. A Clan is a family and extended family. Each Clan has their own symbol, which is tattooed onto members of the clan. Connected to this tattoo is another tattoo symbolizing the Tribe. A Tribe is made up of five or six Tribes. The order of importance for a Vadathan is Tribe, Clan, Land, world, then self. A vadathan, in theory, is willing to sacrifice their Clan for the betterment of the Tribe, and they are willing to sacrifice the land for the betterment of their Clan.   Vadathans, when born, are given a name by their mother's mother. Should that grandmother be unable to name them, then their father's mother will do so. If both are unable, then the mother will name the child. After the given name, they have a surname. This surname is a combination of the Tribe name and the Clan name. For example, a Vadathan of the Lion Tribe and the leaf Clan might be named Rodwin Lionleaf.  


  Vadaths ruler is Bedwyr Shanwathen. Under him is his tribe which travels the island keeping in contact with others. Once every other year, all of the chieftains of the various tribes meet at a designated city. This meeting brings much wealth to the city and is treated as a celebration. Each tribe brings a small group of people with them to show off their culture, advances, art, and other goods.   Bedwyr is of the Shan Tribe and the Wathan Clan. His Tribe, Shan, was the one that united Vadath under one rule. Because of this, the Clans of the Shan Tribe act as mediators and law. Any disputes among tribes are settled by the Shan Tribe. This is the government that connects all other Tribes under one rule. Currently, 39 tribes make up the entirety of Vadath, each with a handful of Clans. Clans can be dismantled and remade by Tribe Shamans, thus there is never a set number of clans in Vadath. The number usually ranges from 150 to 200.   Each Tribe has its own laws and regulations aside from the laws set by the Shan Tribe. A Tribe handles all trade within its lands and any local laws, such as property rights. A Tribe is ruled by its Chieftain. Chieftains are elected by the individual Clan representatives. Their duties include passing and making laws, declaring war, and several ceremonial practices. Each Chieftain chooses a Shaman. Shamans handle most logistics. Traditionally, Shamans were the religious leaders of the Tribe. But in modern days this practice is becoming less and less common.   A clan has no real leaders, but they do have a Clan representative which meets with the Chieftain and Shaman. Most of the more traditional Clans also have a Clan Elder who is present at all births and deaths. Their job is to keep and tell stories.   Within Vadath, there are many tribes of many types of people. Currently, Vadath seeks stability within its own borders. Diplomats make deals to share land, chieftains make agreements to not wage war, and merchants set trade routes all throughout the land. Vadath is a land seeped in cultures that are too different for a singular law. A law that works for one tribe might infringe on the beliefs of the others. This makes the project slow and tedious, but it is making progress to unification without warfare.  


  Vadath has access to the most land of all societies. They use this land to harvest a multitude of materials and goods as well as grow and produce food that is spread throughout the skies. They also produce clockwork, firearms, and other machines.   Every tribe in Vadath has at least a rudimentary military. This makes soldiers quite plentiful.  


  Before Bedwyr Wathen united Vadath, they were a collection of several tribes that fought among st themselves. Bedwyr was strong enough and clever enough to become the chieftain of his tribe at a young age. He used this tribe to travel Vadath and join with others. Those that did not join, submitted in defeat. Bedwyr and his soldiers had to do many immoral things to get to where they are today, but the efforts were not a waste. Now there are no civil wars among Vadath, but the stress of working together is beginning to strain on relations.  


  Vadathians are taller than most other people. Usually, three or four inches above the norm. Their features are exaggerated as well. Large foreheads and thick chins. Blond or red hair is common on a Vadathian, as is thick facial hair.  

Personality and Mannerisms

  A stereotypical Vadathian is loud spoken, obnoxious, and overly kind. They speak their mind without worry and tend to share their thoughts and fears. In Vadath, it is a common practice to share one's feelings with whoever will listen. If in a play or performance, and someone bursts into loud sobs, it is likely a Vadathian. While they are friendly, their furies are legendary. Luckily, an angry Vadathian will not keep a grudge, but he might break a nose.  

Vadathan Pride and Rage

  A Vadathan is proud of who they are, and they will tell you so. Their clan and tribe is the source of this pride. However, if that pride is questioned, insulted, or belittled, they will likely attack immediately. The fastest way to drive a Vadathan to violence is to insult their clan and tribe. This idea of their clan and tribe being more important or grander than others causes much strain between tribes in Vadath. Duels between tribes and clans are common, even more so now that the tribes must work together.   Outside of Vadath, two Vadathans from different tribes will greet each other as family. But, should the topic of whichever Tribe is superior be brought up their mood can quickly turn sour. Oftentimes this will lead to a series of challenges. But duels to the death are not uncommon.    




Vadath is a land of many cultures, but there are a few standards. With every standard, there are a few exceptions. The following information in this article is common for most Vadath Traditions.  


  The common Vadathan lives near the edge of Vadath facing Krithia and Mokso. However, across the Jotun mountain range, are a group of people known as Farlanders to non-Vadathans. These people are Vadath with their own clans and tribes, however, they rarely leave their lands.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Family names are constructed by combining the clan and tribe names. For instance, Someone from the Bear clan and the claw tribe would be, Bearclaw.


Culture and cultural heritage

One of the important aspects of Vadathan culture is their artistry. Almost every aspect of their culture is artistically designed. Runes and symbols are carved onto crafts, herders sing to their cows to call them, and every lesson is a story. Not many true artists come from Vadath, however. They simply feel a cultural need to tell the story of things they make and do. The symbols on their crafts tell who made it, when, for what purpose, and then several other symbols to fill space. It is easy to spot Vadathan technology and crafts because of this.   Another important part of their culture is their games. Foot races, chariot races, Games played with a stone wrapped in pigskin, and riddles are just a few of the games they play. The following are a short list of specific games.

Bjoar Kae

A simple game. this involves two teams of five standing across a threshold. This is usually just a stick, net, or gap. To play this game, one side throws a 20 pound stone wrapped in pigskin at the other. The other side must then catch, and return the stone in one spinning motion. This game goes on back and forth until the stone is dropped or it is thrown the wrong direction. This game is very dangerous, and many have cracked their skull or broken an arm trying to play.

Hild Thapa

This is a game for two people. One begins by insulting the other in a rhyming nature. The more subtle and clever the insult, the better. The contestants take turns insulting each other. This game is played in front of a crowd. The looser is whomever the crowd boos off the stage.

Average technological level

Vadath is one of the three major powers, thus they have access to the greatest technology.

Common Etiquette rules

Vadath etiquette is simple. Do not dish out more than you can receive. It is perfectly acceptable to throw a punch, but expect to be punched back. Dodging this blow means you wish to truly fight.  


  Food is eaten in large halls. Each clan has one of these halls. Food is laid out on the table, and it is customary to share everything. Sometimes, food will be grabbed directly off of someone's plate without asking. These meals are times where the Vadath socialize. They speak, often with mouths full, over each other discussing work and their lives.

Common Dress code

Vadath dress in comfort and men and women dress the same. They wear simple clothing died in natures color. Greens, browns, and blues. Their clothing is simple, but every tribe has their own style of accessories. Feathers, stones, beads, and small skulls are a few examples. These decorations sometimes are numerous enough to cover the entire body.

Common Taboos

In Vadath, nudity is not taboo, so it is common to find nudist Vadathans walking around on nice days. However, homosexuality and other less traditional sexualities is an extreme taboo. It is not uncommon for a Vadathan to be banished from a clan for acts of homosexuality.


Beauty Ideals

Vadath beauty is determined not by strength, but the appearance of strength. Height is a factor as is girth. Larger, the better. There are some Vadath who prefer smaller folk. These are called "Mountains" as a slur.    


  Men prefer to have large beards, long hair, and well-defined muscle. Taller men are more sought after, and a large, bulbous nose is considered handsome.  


  Women with large arms and a thick forehead are considered beautiful. Most men actually prefer their women to be larger and stronger than them. Woman keep themselves clean shaven if possible, which includes the hair. Most Vadathan women have short hair, and some are completely bald.

Gender Ideals

Men and woman are treated as true equals in Vadath. Males and Females work equally.

Courtship Ideals

Usually, the woman seeks out a man she wishes to marry. It is considered taboo to marry outside of the tribe. However, if this occurs a new tribe is formed should both clans agree to leave their tribes and at least one other clan wishes to join them. This is how new tribes are formed.

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