Veritism Organization in Skies of Himinil | World Anvil
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The primary religion in Himinil is Veritism. Also known as the Church of Truth or simply the Church. Veritism traces its origins back thousands of years in Krithia. The followers of Veritism believe in a single god or deity-like power called the Truth. The Truth has no form or depictions other than an orb of light. The Truth does not interact with the world directly, rather its power comes from faith, chance, and destiny.   There is no proof of the existence of the Truth. It is entirely possible that Veritism is a false religion. It is also possible that the Truth is a real force. According to the religion, the Truth rewards good behavior and punishes misdeeds. There are also several different varieties of the religion, each following the main religion, but in different ways.  

Witch Hunts

  Veritism believes that magic is inherently evil. Thus, witches, puppeteers, and other things of the wyrd are evil. The Church also encourages, funds, and performs witch hunts. They pay people for information of Fae hideouts, perform public executions of the gnarled and deformed, and smuggle guns for witch hunters. The inquisition is the main force behind Witch Hunts, but every aspect of the church assists as much as they can. Some priests think the act of executing gnarled and Fae is cruel, but these voices are drowned out by the masses. Veritism has seeped into almost every part of the world and in this process, they have instilled the same ideas of the wyrd in the populace.   Because of the Church, wyrd people must hide in order to survive. Simply because they are different and strange, they are hunted by the Inquisition and the populace alike. This hatred towards them turns many gnarled and Fae into the monsters that people believe them to be. Luckily, there are those that will hide the wyrd. These people are punished just as cruel as a gnarled or Fae.  

Political Power and the Truth

  Inside a Church of Veritism it is considered a sin to lie. The advantage of this taboo is that many business deals, political meetings, and historical discussions take place in a Church. There are people with the title of Church Agent who attends these meetings. Their job is to observe, remember, and comment on how the church can help or benefit. This practice has given the Church political power. Their pull on the world is equivilent to a minor power.  


  In Veritism the world was always a sea of silver and a sky of night. But when the Truth came into existence it created the sun and the world. For one thousand years the world was paradise, but when man came into the world they brought with them deceit. When the first lie was uttered, the world was torn asunder. This is why they believe Himinil is a collection of floating islands. Beneath the silver sea lies the underworld, where everyone goes after their death. This is, surprisingly, true. To help with this, funeral practices include throwing the dead into the reflected sky. Those who never lie, or admit all of their lies, are allowed to rise into a paradise above the stars.   Veritism teaches that murder, rape, theft, and all of the standard sins are evil. To commit a sin is bad, but to lie about a sin is doubly bad. Because of this, the Church offers to hear confessions. Confessing a sin removes you from the lie, which can allow you to join paradise.  

Sub-sects of the Church



  The Inquisition is a militant sub-section of the church. They train for combat, investigation, and interrogation. The Inquisitions only goal is to eradicate magic. Witches, Cultists, Puppeteers, and Rippers are their prey. However, an inquisitor can be sent for virtually any task by a priest. Inquisitors are allowed the use of firearms to battle their enemies. They also develop somewhat of a sixth sense of magic after a while. It is not a supernatural sense, rather they pick up on the subtle clues of its presence.   Inquisitors are among the best investigators and torturers. They are taught the techniques of torture in secret and use many cruel techniques to gain the information they need. Witches are the inquisitions true prey. They are constantly on the lookout for information on witches or for signs of them. Because of a witches property of being very difficult to kill, Inquisitors carry with them a myriad of different objects and try to keep suppliers wherever they travel.   Training an inquisitor can take years, and Inquisitors are chosen from children who have a reason to hate the wyrd. This means that inquisitors are rare. An Inquisitor can work for years without running into another. However, they do make it a point to keep in contact with each other. This way, if an Inquisitor is killed, then others can track down whatever was the cause.  


  The Historians of Veritism are more militant than their name would suggest. They are a sect of Veritism that seeks, collects, and shares information. They fund expeditions to new islands, catalog new technologies, and share common knowledge with those that do not know it. The historians are responsible for starting public schooling as well.   During the Crusade of Knowledge, they forced everyone they came across to learn their religion, culture, and Sineur. Those that refused were made an example of. They are the primary reason why Sineur is spoken throughout the world.  

Church Makers

  The Church Makers are an organization whose singular goal is to spread their religion. They are nomads who travel in small groups. When they find a people who do not know of Veritism they stay with them for anywhere from months to years. In that time, they attempt to join the community and build a church. The Church Makers are among the kindest followers of Veritism. They truly wish to share their beliefs and will befriend anyone. When a Church Maker camps in the wilderness, they often build a small church over the course of a few days. This provides shelter to other travelers and if the Church Maker can afford it, they leave supplies in the church as well. It is entirely possible to discover an island, explore it, and find a Church to Veritism already built.  

Gate Guard

  The Gate Guard is a secretive organization in Veritism. Its purpose is to protect its world from creatures from other worlds. Gate Striders, Raiders, and monsters are all under the Gate Guards jurisdiction, but they are most powerful when it comes to alleviating rumors that there are worlds other than their own. The Gate Guard is highly trained and ruthless. Their job is to track down any Gate Striders, convince them to tell them where the gate they came in at is, and guard that gate from then on. They have no use in killing Striders but will if the Striders attempt to share the secrets of their world. If a Strider is not human, however, then they will likely treat them like a fae.  

The Crusade of Knowledge

  Shortly after Krithia became accustomed to sailing, the Church of Veritism sent out hundreds of airships in an attempt to spread their religion. This was largely successful. Veritism is the most widespread religion in Himinil and Sineur is the most spoken language. This crusade was not a simple task. It was long and bloody. Many lives were lost. Those who fought against the Church were dealt with harshly.  


  There are many variations of Veritism which are technically classified as heresy. The church is not happy with heretics, but they are wise enough to let them be. If they allow small alterations to their faith, then cultures will have an easier time accepting their religion. Each variation is given a name or a nickname, and classic Veritism is called "Traditional Veretism" and its believers are Veriters.  


  The Ohanzi altered Verritism slightly when it was introduced to them. They believe that there is indeed an afterlife, but to appreciate it you must know pain. Without an appreciation of heaven, it becomes no different than hell. Prophetic churches preach that one must accept emotional and physical pain into their lives. This is a radical view, however, its most vital difference is the Prophets. There were, and are, those that claim to speak with the truth and teach its wisdom. These prophets are treated as religious leaders and celebrities. Often, the Prophets are or become royalty.  

Inclusive Veritism

  The followers of this subsect of Veritism are called Inclusive and they are mostly Riah. The Inclusive believe that every non-inclusive is a demon in disguise. They also understand that it is the demons fault to be what they are. Demons should be cleansed, but there is an argument if this means they must be absolved of evil or killed. Inclusive Veritism causes the most hatred and discrimination of all types of heresy. However, they are not as violent as their reputation claims.  

Diefic Veritism

  This branch of Veritism believes that the Truth is a literal deity who will one day come to Himinil to raise the faithful to heaven. Largely this is worshiped in Mokso and the surrounding skies. It is largely indistinguishable from standard veritism, but the easiest way to tell is through their imagery. Their symbol of the Truth is a humanoid outline bathed in light. Sometimes male, and sometimes female.  

Formless Veritism

  The followers of this belief choose to forgo their material needs in order to attain enlightenment. They believe that one must not make a mark upon the world. Thus, they replenish the food they eat, live in seclusion, and are very few in number. If they succeed in leaving no mark upon the world, they will be allowed to experience all of the terrors and pleasures of the world as an everlasting spirit.  


  This is perhaps the only heretic order the church actively destroys. They believe the Nerre are emissaries for the truth, sent to punish them for their misdeeds. Often, this belief blends into cultism.


The church is structured simply. A priest is one who oversees a church, with acolytes being those who are raised or live within them. The Grand Priest acts as their leader, and he oversees the Temple of Truth located on Krithia. Most priests are truthful, but not inherently good. They will try to increase their own wealth and power by using their station as a priest. A stereotypical priest is kind, helpful, and truthful. Though, many only pretend to be kind. So much so, they even fool themselves. Some priests are true as they say, but it is as easy to find a corrupt priest as it is to find a true one.


The Church of Veritism knows much information and has a lot of political pull in most nations. The church is also incredibly wealthy. This wealth and power allow them to do nearly anything they wish.
Veritism Logo
by James Andrews
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Church, Church of the Truth

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Sep 26, 2018 18:21 by Michael
