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Bjorn Mountainseeker

Bjorn fears that he will never be able to change the savage ways of his people or that he will be forced to watch his homeland succumb to the relentless plundering by outsiders.   Bjorn Mountainseeker was born into a clan where might made right, and compassion was viewed as weakness. As the younger son of the chieftain, he watched in silent dissent as his father and brother ruthlessly expanded their territory at the cost of the innocent. Rejecting the barbaric customs of his people, he departed to South Angoria, hoping to find more honorable ways to defend his lands against the encroaching Askaria Empire and neighboring kingdoms. In his heart, he longs to return with allies and newfound wisdom that could tip the scales in favor of his beleaguered clan without further bloodshed.   Honorable and compassionate, Bjorn is a rare gem among his bloodthirsty kin. He's a formidable warrior with a strategic mind who is always looking for diplomatic solutions before resorting to violence. His strong moral compass often puts him at odds with the typical barbarian way of life.


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