BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Boris stands about 6 feet tall, with an athletic, lean form. His brown hair is mostly kept under wraps with a colorful cap beaded with tiny nut-shells that chime when he moves. His striking azure eyes are always gleaming with humor and unmatched wit. A tiny mole near his left eye accentuates his expressive face. On his right ear, he sports a feather earring. He is always seen in his vibrant and flamboyant travelling clothes generally adorned with badges won from the various performance competitions   Boris can't help but perform—a joke, a dance, a trick—every time he hears applause, even when not on stage. He enjoys conversing in rhymes, which can get quite perplexing for those unfamiliar with his style.   Apart from his undying love for performing arts, Boris is an avid collector of odd artifacts from places he's visited. He is also particularly fond of wine tasting.   Boris was born among traveling performers—a world filled with juggling jesters, acrobats, and musicians. His dad, a renowned bard, gave Boris his first lute when he was just five. Unknown lands and cultures stimulated his imagination, which reflected in his performances, earning him fame and admiration. Committed to his dream, Boris eventually established 'The Maggots Pristine', a guild encouraging artists, broadly capturing ways of celebrating life and its spirit. His lifelong endeavor is to bring smile and evoke laughter, ensuring that the charm around artists and their art is ever flourishing. Despite all the joy, he carries a secret regret – he had left his first love for his passion, a decision that still haunts him. His goal is to popularize his guild across all realms, so that every town and city pulses with the ecstatic joy brought by the arts.   Boris is a charismatic natural leader, his agile mind always brimming with creativity. He has an innate ability to captivate a crowd with his delightful performances or interweave a tale with such vivid descriptions that the listeners are transported to a fantasy world. He is empathetic, often understanding and addressing the emotions of his guild members thereby creating a harmonious environment


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