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King Leon Talbain

King Leon Talbain, aged in his mid-40s, possesses the noble look of a steadfast ruler. His hair, a rich shade of brown, falls softly around his shadowed but undespaired eyes. His face carries lines of wisdom and his physique, shaped by battles and the honor of godly service, is a pillar of strength. He often wears the armor of his paladin duty, symbolizing the protective shield he bears for his people.   Can often be found in meditation, even in the midst of royal duties; has a unique habit of addressing everyone by their first name regardless of their status; always keeps a personal memento of his family with him.   Studying ancient scriptures of goddess Perserphina; engaging in honorable combat to hone his skills; spending time with his citizens to understand their concerns and joys.   King Leon Talbain comes from a long line of noble rulers who have governed the city of Polaria with fairness and valor. From an early age, he was taught to carry the mantle of his ancestors. His call to serve as a paladin came from his deep faith in the goddess Perserphina, and he honed his skills time and again, determined to be a shield for his subjects against all odds. Over the years, his just rule and steadfast nature acknowledged him as a symbol of justice, not only in Polaria but throughout the human continents. His life is a constant dedication to his city, his deity, and his people.   King Leon is a paragon of justice and fairness. His deep belief in equity has carved his demeanor into that of a magnanimous leader. He's deeply dedicated to his role as a paladin, which is evident in his unyielding sense of duty and devotion. As a king, he is firm yet compassionate, guiding his subjects with a loving hand.


King Leon Talbain

spouse (Vital)

Towards Queen Jena Talbain



Queen Jena Talbain

spouse (Vital)

Towards King Leon Talbain



Ruled Locations


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