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Polaria is the majastic capital of the West in South Angoria. One of the most famed cities in the human union, it is home to the Dragon Warrior Knights and keeps the largest army in the human continents. Castle Polaria is one of the most beautiful creations of the human race and its spires stand tall and mighty pointing to the sky. The castle is nestled against the mountain and merged with it, its halls reaching deep into the mountain and providing escape routes should Polaria ever fall. The castle has never been breached by any large attacking force including an army of dragons.   Races from allover the world have made a home in Polaria and the cobble stone streets are filled with merchants and entertainers vying for visitors attention. The inner walls of Polaria house the nobles and it's where the core of politics happens. The house of the Blessed Arcane is home to the powerful clerics of the kingdom. The grand wizards run the Polarian School of Magic, headed by Poji, the Grand Master of the Wizards School.   At the High Spire District, upon tall iron lamp posts, magical light spills into the streets guiding visitors and natives through the beautiful flagstone streets. Here the architecture of buildings are formed into large spires that reach high into the sky, by far a display of wealth and power for any that live in the apartments of the this district. Restaurants and Taverns or the best in the world, and many visitors come to stare in awe at the marvel of human innovation and creation.   There are many other districts including the Elvin, Dwarven, Oriental and Halfling districts. Outside the last layer of walls is the Polaria Academy of Knowledge. The academy is famed as one of the most regarded and exemplary schools in the land. It focuses from the sciences and magical study, to war and history and everything else in between.

Defense: Prince Toran Talbain commands the Dragon Warriors and the Crownsguards. Polarian Knights walk the streets to keep order and help the city guards. Polaria is a free city. People shall be free to live their lives as they choose so long as they respect the equal rights of others.

Commerce: Polaria has one of the major trade routes going through the Polarian Mountain Range sitting between Bay Town and the Green Palace, thus has much trade coming and going. The King tries to keep taxation low to promote work efforts and new business growth.

Organizations: Many orders of the gods exist within the city walls as well as some of the most powerful and wealthiest guilds. Two of the famous guilds being the Keepers of the Crow and the Talismanic Nine whose reach spans all across South Angoria.   Crime   For the most part, crime is pretty minimal within the castle walls, as there is no war and its a time of peace, there are plenty of city guards and knights to keep order. At the outskirts of the city, crime picks up, but for the most compared to other kingdoms, it remains under control. Polaria is considered blessed as many rumers go about from the common folk that the goddess Knowalia makes her home upon the peaks of the Polarain Mountains high above the city. She looks down upon the city and ever watches over it. Others say Perserphina also favors Polaria. Thus many criminal organizations avoid the capital city.            


A monarchy, King Leon Talbain rules the city along with the Council of Dragon consisting of high clerics and wizards and guild masters. Arbiter Kayla Malroy delegates council matters, while the Grand Guildmaster Shia Walker oversees matters of the city guilds. Princess Zion Talbain handles lesser matters of the kingdom. The Talbains are known as fair and just rulers fighting for the betterment of the people, especially the poorer citizens surrounding the outskirts of Polaria.

Guilds and Factions

Talismanic Nine - Sorcerers, wizards, warlocks - Leader: Meka Dug 13th level sorcerer - female human
Keepers of the Crow - Sorcerers also (alchemists, jewelers, herbalist) Leader: Ecortar - 14th level sorcerer - male tiefling
Merchant's Brotherhood - (art merchant, banker, farmer, merchant, sailor, traders) - Leader: Ken 10th level fighter/5th level bard - male human
Shadow Masks - Rogues, assassins, spies (gamblers) - Leader: Tanath Zu 5th level fighter/9 level rogue
Brothers of the Arcane - Wizards - Leader: Edvard Gray 16th level wizard - male human
Order of the Journey - Adventurers (hunters, explorer, gamblers, detective) - Leader: Eldon Elem - Bard 11th level bard - half-elf
The Gray Cloak Sages - Academic (archivist, historian, linguist, mathematician, philosopher, scholar, Scientist) - Leader: Penley Himfol - 9th level wizard - male gnome
Keepers of the Twilight - Medical (apothecary, chirurgeon, healer, herbalist, nurse, veterinarian ) - Leader: Vera Sol - Cleric 18th level - female human
The Maggots Pristine - Artistic and Performance (actor, artist, dancer, jester, musician, bard, poet, singer) - Leader: Boris - 17th level bard - human male
Knights of the Servant - Service and Labor (cook, laborer, maid, messenger, servant) - Leader: Shir Lia - 7th level artificer - female halfling
The Shadows - Investigative and Hunting (bounty hunter, detective, explorer, fortune teller, thief) - Leader: Lith Vanguard - 14th level ranger - human female


Polaria spreads out from the Polarian Mountains notably the famous mountain named the Silver Peak that reaches high into the clouds where people say the Silver City of Knowalia is located. The first six miles of Polaria city reach the two outer villages of Sisternest and Pinelow. The city keeps expending another 2 miles to the North and to the South lining the mountains.
Additional Rulers/Owners


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