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Shia Walker

Shia fears unrest and conflict within the guilds which might disrupt the harmony of Polaria. She also harbours a fear of failing her duties as a guildmaster and advisor to the royal family.   Shia Walker is a gracefully aged half-elf woman, standing at a humble height of 5'7". Mixed features put her elven heritage on display - slightly pointed ears peek out of her long walnut brown hair, which is often held in a professional updo. Her olive skin hints at her year-round outdoor duties. A pair of large almond green eyes evoke a sense of wisdom and curiosity. Her traditional guildmaster attire comprises earth-toned robes accentuated by various guild emblems, with a gilded staff as a symbol of her authority.   Shia has a habit of twirling her staff when deep in thought. She can often be seen navigating the city with a pet hawk named Sylph, who aids her in overseeing guild activities. Her nature-focused magic gives plants around her a noticeable vibrancy.   Shia enjoys exploring ruins and studying Ancient Arcanum in her free time. A well-trained botanist and alchemist, she also likes experimenting with exotic plant extracts and magical potions.   Raised in the Magic District of Polaria, Shia showed potential in magic very early. Her exceptional leadership qualities led her to the position of Grand Guildmaster. Her father, a well-respected guild leader and her mother, a distinguished elven arcane scholar, both played huge roles in shaping her personality. Her determination to maintain balance among guilds is driven by the political instability she witnessed as a child. Over the years, she's had to mediate disputes, advise on financially complex and politically sensitive matters and face direct threats from adversaries. Her goals include ensuring long-lasting peace among the guilds and flourishing economy for Polaria.   Shia is known for her unyielding spirit and dry wit. She portrays an authoritative figure with her commanding presence, yet she is fair and well respected. She's highly diplomatic, using her wisdom to mediate any guild disputes. She's also very knowledgeable, often serving as an advisor to King Leon Talbain in handling economic and political issues.


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