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The Green Palace

The third largest Kingdom in the Southwestern region of South Angoria, The Green Palace is ruled by King David and is a central point for all major trade routes. It is an iconic location as it is nestled within the Green Forest, a famous region that is home to legends and lore regarding mystic creatures and hidden glens of magic. Only the Prismatic Forest holds more lore than the Green Forest.   The Green Palace is a crowded city and considered the merchant city. It is also home to two of the most famous thieves guilds, The Black Cloaks and The Dark Consortium. Because of this crime is usually higher than other cities. The city is a constant state of construction as new roads and cobbled streets are being built along with new homes and neighborhoods. The sewer system follows the main streets to the river and built along the same time with the major streets.   Persons of Interest:   King David Firebrand
Queen Rowan Firebrand
Princess Brighton Firebrand
Prince Isil Firebrand
Prince Agnar Firebrand
Princes Lynsey Firebrand     Councilor Rillion Rolid   General Borus Wolfheart   Captain Guthale Mildmore   Spymaster Lashur Mide   Magister Kela Rorsek   Guild Master Viden Khelor   Castle Chaplain Jethil Aiddino   High Cleric Adanessa Zadino      
The Green Palace


50% human, 20% halfling, 15% gnomes, 5% dwarves, 5% elves, 5% tiefling




Courtyards, bridges, watermills, sewers, roads.

Guilds and Factions

The Black Cloaks, symbol is a scythe. Leader is Artimis Sky. Thives.
The Dark Consortium, symbol is an eye. Leader is Jamik Ardan, a ruthless assassin. Assasins guild.
The White Fangs, symbol sword and axe crossed. Leader is Zarem Lionheart, 12th level warrior early 50's. Adventuerers guild.
Additional Rulers/Owners


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