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Vera Sol

Vera is a striking figure, with sharp features softened by an eternal, compassionate glow in her warm, hazel eyes. Her long, hickory-brown hair is often braided and decorated with small amulets of healing herbs. Standing at 5'7", she possesses an average build honed by years of medicinal practice. She dresses in the modest, yet distinctly ornate robes of the Keepers of the Twilight, and around her neck hangs a pendulum, pulsating with divine energy.   Vera has a habit of murmuring prayers under her breath when tending to patients, finding comfort and strength in her divine connection. She can always identify an herb by smell and has a unique knack for healing animals.   Vera delights in tending to her herb garden and scribing medical texts. She also enjoys peaceful walks in the forest, finding tranquility in nature's embrace.   Raised in a small, remote village, Vera learned the art of healing from her grandmother. Her undeniable talent caught the attention of the Keepers of the Twilight, an order devoted to preserving medicinal knowledge and healing through divine intervention. Rising to the role of the leader, Vera brought a new era of growth to the Keepers, bridging age-old traditions with modern practices. Her ultimate goal is to ensure that no one suffers due to lack of medical care, regardless of the circumstances. This has led her to venture into dangerous territories, helping the sick and wounded. Despite the risk and fear, her unwavering faith in her divine duty keeps her tethered to her path.   Vera is deeply empathetic, reflecting a radiant hope even in the face of despair. Fiercely dedicated to her creed, she possesses a stoic patience, believing in the natural flow of time and healing. Calm and measured, yet firm when necessary, she has earned the respect of her healers and the community alike.


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