Sabor Villen

Master Arcanist Sabor Illithene Villen

Sabor Villen is a High Elf master of both Divination and Transmutation who currently serves as the Master Arcanist of the Circle of Magic in Holden's Run.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Sabor is a male High Elf.


Sabor is a sorcerer who was naturally gifted with most magic schools but had the best control over Transmutation and Divination. He went Holden's Run at a young age and began learning dual curricula in both the schools of Transmutation and Divination. Over the course of 150 years, he climbed the ranks in both academic and social means before serving as a representative of the Divination faction and then ultimately the Master Arcansit.

Personality Characteristics


Sabor is in full support of testing the limits of magic and encourages its use in most forms and outlets. He also works to perfect and weave the schools of magic together, if and when possible, to foster stronger relations between factions and increasing magical potency.
Current Residence
Ivory Spire in Holden's Run
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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