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Mr. Bang

Mr. Bang (a.k.a. Mr. Bang)

Shirren is know to be peace-lover creature. While Mr. Bang in here, is quite violent and brash half-Shirren. Despite his violent tendencies, he is quite thoughtful and care about his crewmates, maybe not in a way you expect.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite muscled, hidden under that bomber jacket. Enough stamina to headbutt into danger.   Due to his half Shirren, his set of smaller limb on his thorax does not fully formed like how Shirren normally would.

Body Features

He had Shirren exoskeleton but mixed with human body feature. Just like insectoid, he doesn't exactly sweat like humans do, as he have more of insectoid ways of dealing with excessive heat.

Facial Features

Tanned with shirren-like scales

Identifying Characteristics

His white hair and half shirren trait is hard to miss.

Special abilities

Telepathy is his forte. Other than his Witchwarper abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears waterproof fluffy jacket. (Extra fortifying reroll) and leg enchancement to help his agility and jumping skill.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shirren is known to be close relatives to The Swarm. Close hivemind species with violent tendencies and neverending hunger. Mr. Bang's half Shirren blood making him not having a proper perfect mutation that Shirren usually have to combat violent tendencies of such species, thus explaining where Mr. Bang tend to act angry most of the time. But part of mutation from his Shirren counterpart helps him to control his violent tendencies. Thus his neverending cycle of trying to control his temper.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He awakened his Witchwarper abilities during Drift Jump in the past after he separate himself from his part of chaotic colony. Tearing through space and time with sheer of will and determination to survive.

Failures & Embarrassments

Losing his brother and have his colony split into many parts across galaxy in The Drift after being chased by The Swarm who wants to take them back to the hivemind. Perhaps he would never find what remains of his brother.... or will he?

Personality Characteristics


He seems to seek for origin and root of The Swarm. Is it curiosity? Seek for answer? Or path of revenge to destroy entire race by himself?   Such foolish attempt but he climb his ranks with sheer determination and bloodthrist.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies : Bombs and demolition, acrobatics action, magic, throwing weapons.   Ineptitudes : Computer, longarms weapon, action requires pure strength

Likes & Dislikes

Likes : Coffee, spicy food Dislike : Tasteless food, desert

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal and headstrong against any challenge. Curious and cares his teammates.

Vices & Personality flaws

Temperamental, intimidating and brash. Often pick violence as first solution to a conflict.

Personality Quirks

Swears like a sailor.


Family Ties

Most his family ties lost during the incident in The Drift.

Social Aptitude

In public, he would try not to put himself too much on spotlight. As he doesn't want his worst trait shown in public. That doesn't mean he doesn't have confidence in public speaking.

Hobbies & Pets

He liked agility based sports such as basketball. He actually quite handy in cooking dessert, especially serving latte and such.


Either he doesn't learn subtlety or he doesn't care enough to showcase it. He tells you exactly what he thinks.

The gunner of the ship. Half Shirren but a full-time demoman.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Rumors he come from colony in Tethys-318-Alpha. But no record about it is found.
Current Residence
bug-eye green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned with Shirren-like scales
172 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fuck you!"
Known Languages

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