Harpy Statue

A series of carved rocks located in various places on the planet, often hidden within jungles or ancient structures.

All statues link to the Harperion Relay Statue and are influential in controlling nanoticks.

Lenore Janning located one in a remote jungle and brought it back to the 'port for observation. Shortly after moving it, she vanished.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The communications portion of each statue is non-terrestrial in origin. Each functions from some form of atomic battery.


These statues appear to have been intended to serve as communication stations for the Harperions from Podarces as they traveled the world in search of resources that they could not find on their tiny island.

Natives used these statues to communicate with the Harperions, presumably seeing them as goddesses capable of fulfilling wishes when granted tribute. Presumably the Harperion belief in ritually cleansing anyone who had seen them gave rise to the mythology surrounding the temperamental Harpies.


Discovered during the research of Lenore Jannings, it appears these devices may have been associated with plagues and evolutional changes in the planet's history.

This is confusing because the Harperions went out of their way to try and prevent changes to the developing human culture that they were forced to live near. They would often kill anyone who saw them in an attempt to limit their contamination of native cultures.

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Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Current Location
Related Condition

While they are unusual, there are perhaps 100 of them located throughout the planet.

2 ft tall
Raw materials & Components

Carved from local materials, each statue is embedded with a non-terrestrial device that functions as a communicator, placed within the eye of the creature's head. This technology was extremely advanced as it continues to function over 2000 years after it was built.

Each one is unique and seems to reflect the art style of the culture it was intended to be placed with. Some appear more like dragons, others like chickens, and still others more like eagles. All have some form of human characteristics blended into them, often with carvings depicting long hair flowing into the feathered back of the creature.

Related Myths


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