Rigellian Lettuce

The primary usage of lettuce is in salads, served raw and often consumed along with other varieties creating a pleasingly multi-colored dish.

Some cultures prefer to cook the leaves and serve them in soups and stews.

The seeds of Rigellian lettuce can be made into a mildly narcotic oil prized for its medicinal purposes.


Material Characteristics

  • ruffled leaves
  • tiny orange berries
  • black, oily seeds

Physical & Chemical Properties

  • high water content
  • rich in vitamins
  • medicinal oil

Origin & Source

Native to Rigel 3, this ruffled lettuce is now grown widely in farmer's market platforms throughout the galaxy.

Only edible when very fresh, it is transported as a live crop unless being sent to an interdicted world that may not have the technological level to contain the quick bolting, self-seeding nature of this crop. When shipping to worlds with limited technology, the lettuce is picked, the leaves are separated, washed, and patted dry. The leaves are then carefully packed in dry layers in cold, oxygen-deprived packaging. As such, it is a delicacy on these worlds.

History & Usage


Growing conditions on Rigel 3 are harsh. The season is short, and the predators are voracious. Thriving in low water climates, this lettuce requires almost no maintenance. Its leaves are broad and ruffled, blocking out light for any weeds or other crops that might attempt to invade its space. It is adapted to extract and store any available water in the air or soil surrounding it.

The quickly bolting plant encloses its black oil seeds in a deep orange-colored berry that is especially attractive to Rigelian crows and other avian species, despite its highly diuretic properties. As a result, birds quickly spread this lettuce crop throughout their native environment through their seed-laden waste.


Industrially, the berries are harvested with giant sweepers and then pressed to return their liquids to the dry Rigelian climate. The left-over seeds are then ground into a black oil which can be applied topically as a pain releaver or taken internally as a gentle, euphoria inducing substance. Supposedly non-addictive, this oil is prized as a sleep aid.

Environmental Impact

One of the easiest crops for new farmers to grow, the spicy flavor of this lettuce repels most predators. Once seeded, it practically grows itself because of its hardy nature.

Because of this, vendors must take caution not to introduce the seeds into worlds that are not highly adept at dealing with invasive species.

This article is a stub.

I'll be adding more content to this article in the future.

Nutritional value per 100 g
(3.53 oz)
Energy 21 kcal
Carbohydrates 1.59 g
  Sugars 0.3
  Dietary Fiber 1.4 g
Fat .31 g
Protein 1.2 g
Vitamins Quantity %DV
 Vitamin A equiv. 163 μg 20%
  beta-Carotene 2017 μg 19%
  lutein Zeaxanthin 1105 μg
Thiamine (B1) 0.054 mg 3.6%
 Riboflavin (B2) 0.071 mg 4.2%
 Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.14 mg 1.4%
Vitamin B6 0.073 mg 3.65%
 Folate (B9) 51 μg 15%
 Vitamin C 144 mg 240%
 Vitamin D .015 mg 101%
 Vitamin E 0.10 mg .1%
 Vitamin K 106.8 μg 133.5%
Minerals Quantity %DV
 Calcium 36 mg 3.6%
 Copper 0.129 mg 6.4%
 Iron 1.43 mg 7.94%
 Magnesium 15 mg 3.75%
 Manganese 0.158 mg 7.9%
 Phosphorus 21 mg 2.1%
 Potassium 328 mg 9.37%
 Sodium 6 mg 0.25%
Other constituents Quantity
 Water 91.53 g
μg = micrigrams • mg = milligrams
Percentages are roughly approximated using recommended values for human adults. Please consult allergen and nutrient verification cubes before consuming any unknown matter.

none if fresh, bitter sulfer scent when spoiled
tangy, spicy, almost citrus flavor

Cover image: by Deleyna via Canva


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