
Therosians are one of two dominant sapient species on the planet Deinos. Visually, they could easily be mistaken for large, terrible beasts. Large mouths lined with razor sharp teeth and hands tipped with talons give even the most aggressive species pause when meeting one for the first time.

Within moments, however, their refinement and intelligence will overshadow any potentially genetically embued sense of dread.

Highly sensitive to how they appear to outsiders, they work hard to share knowledge and make outsiders feel welcome and safe.

Basic Information


Therosians are bipedal reptilians with two highly functional arms and hands that end in talons capable of manipulating even the finest of items. Don't imagine any of those silly images of Tyrannosaurus Rex with its tiny useless arms! These lizards are both intelligent and very capable of manipulating their environment.

Different ethnicities vary slightly from the norm, but differences tend to be in scale more than in actual shape. They range from a petite roughly 5 feet in height to a stalwart 10 foot giant.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genetically, the Therosians are egg laying with a complex sexuality that they prefer not to discuss with outsiders.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Therosians are descended from meat eaters and require large amounts of protein for survival. Fortunately, their world is rich with wild creatures that they harvest for food.


Therosians, despite their fearsome appearance, are advanced in intelligence and peace loving. Where their ancestors prized their ability to dominate any creature within range, the modern Therosians track and pounce upon knowledge with that same fearsome dedication.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Space travel has been achieved, but only the smaller members of the species are seen as viable explorers.

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Geographic Distribution


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