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Sashiriel Whitewillow

Sashiriel Whitewillow (a.k.a. Sashi (occasionally Riel))

Sashiriel is a young eladrin woman who wields a piece of Mora's power. She is a dramatic sadgirl but she's doing quite good, considering.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

If it wasn't for the otherworldly intensity in her eyes you might mistake her for a waifish and fragile young woman. She is a bit below average height for an eladrin, and somewhat slight and slender even by elvish standards.

Body Features

Her right arm is missing from the shoulder, but sometimes there's an arm made of fire there instead. It's complicated.

Facial Features

As an eladrin, she looks fey-touched and otherworldly even relative to the stereotypes of elves and other folk in her home country of Callow. She occupies some strange space where people can't quite decide whether it's unsettling uncanny valley or pristine fey beauty. Are her aqua-coloured eyes stunningly vibrant or slightly too large and piercing? Are her cheekbones slightly too sharp and angular or are they perfectly defined and beautiful? It's hard to say, but in any case, she's instantly identifiable as someone from a strange and distant land.

Physical quirks

Her right arm is missing, and she is in Winter the vast majority of the time, while most eladrin tend to embody all their forms regularly.

Special abilities

As an eladrin she has four forms, representing each of the seasons.
Winter: Very pale, icy blue-white skin, piercing aqua eyes, snow white hair. She is cold to the touch, despite her fire magic.
Spring: Pale, slightly green skin with berry-red freckles, dark green eyes, deep green hair.
Summer: Warm light tan skin with rosy-cheeks, golden eyes, golden-blond hair. She is warm to the touch and seems taller from the slight change in posture and presence.
Autumn: Rich orange-brown skin like leaves about to fall, chestnut-brown eyes, auburn hair.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears dark blue facepaint of pigment crafted from midnight blooms and painted into the Mark of the Warden. She has implied this is to symbolise the legacy and ideals of a group back home, but it's clearly meaningful to her on a level beyond mere association with a faction.
  She has pierced ears with golden bands, and is often seen wearing gem necklaces, bracelets, and anklets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spoiler free summary:  
  1. Cheeky rebellious youth with a huge adventurous streak
  2. ????
  3. Became the mortal vessel of a shard of the embodiment of tragedy
  4. Adventurer questing to save the world with her new friends!

Gender Identity

Female, but as with sexuality doesn't really feel it's an important part of her identity.


She hasn't quite figured it out yet but also she couldn't care less about having a name for whatever her sexuality is and would not consider it an important part of her identity if she did.
Also, sex and/or romance is pretty far down the priority list of someone with spiritual obligation to try to save the world.
Also also, let's just remember that intense outpouring of emotion (positive or negative) typically leads to fire bursting out and burning everyone. The implications of that in a romance context are best left unsaid...


Standard Vystanian education, with some extra focus on spiritlore.   She was due to [spoiler] but ended up never [spoiler] due to [spoiler]


Sashiriel Whitewillow has never had a real job, in her life.
but that's not all that unusual in Thrahisa, where jobs and employment are pretty loose.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Sashiriel is fairly intelligent, but her rebellious streak kept her from being top of the class in school.
She used to play the lute quite well when she had enough arms to do so. Likewise she was moderately talented with watercolour paints, but has never had the heart to learn to do it again after losing her dominant arm.

Morality & Philosophy

Sashi is a driven and passionate person in terms of moral duty. She strives to use her magic powers for good and to [spoiler] by being a force of balance between spirit and civilisation.

Personality Characteristics


Save world.
Try not to burn all friends.
"Uphold a Legacy", whatever that means... [spoilers]

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Facing an evil druid? Badass and unflinching composure!
Showing emotionally vulnerability to anyone? Awkward bumbling mess.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes animals, plants, flowers, new experiences, adventure, elvish floral wines.   Dislikes verdanites, accidentally burning loved ones, outliving the party, and being in spring-form.


She likes pampering herself with expensive soaps, bath oils, and perfumes, because you've gotta be indulgent now and then even if you're an angsty goth queen. A quirk of being part fae is that you never smell gross however sweaty and bloodied you are.


Contacts & Relations

Father: Sovelis Whitewillow
Mother: Caelyn Whitewillow
Redacted: Redacted
Friend: Villiara
The Party: Tinker, Callaghan, TT, Marsali, and Puck. Yes Puck is one of the core 6.
Other: The rest of the crew, I guess!

Family Ties

Her real name is Sashiriel Vaessalithra. Outside official documentation and religious rites, her family typically use the common Callowian translation - vaes salithra simply being sylvan for white willow.

Religious Views

She has utmost respect for the spirits, but it is not worship as such, since they're considered more a force of nature than a divine will.
Nature and civilisation exist in a balance, and must each protected from the other.

Social Aptitude

She is a force of personality to be reckoned with, often confident and composed. But she falls apart a bit when emotionally intimate or opening up, mainly due to a fear of closeness because anyone who is too close to her for too long ends up getting accidentally burned, being afraid of her, or simply gets tired of her angst...

Wealth & Financial state

Her family is above average in wealth, though not rich. However, money and wealth hold less importance around Vystana.

Sashiriel is a young Vystanian eladrin woman, born in 1311 to Sovelis and Caelyn Whitewillow. Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers, leaving her with one arm and a piece of Mora's power.

View Character Profile
Tragic Sadgirl
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sashiriel Vaessalithra, Bearer of Mora's Flame
Date of Birth
13th of Axulla 1311
Thrahisa (Capital of Vystana, Semi-Autonomous Province of Callow)
Current Residence
The Andusk
Green, Gold, Brown, Aqua (depending on form)
Dark green, bright blonde, reddish brown, snow white (depending on form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale green, light tan, dark redwood, or icey blue (depending on form)
5' 2 1/2 "
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Most cultures consider bank robbing kind of a dick move"
Known Languages
Common (Vystanian dialect is closer to Standard Common than it is Callowian Common)
Elvish (Vystanian elvish has some quirks but is generally almost identical to standard elvish. This is the main day-to-day conversational langauge of Vystana and is Sashi's first language.)
Sylvan (the primary language of academic, religious, literature, and legal stuff on Vystana)


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