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Betrayal of Dellene


In times before recorded history, The Divine were in complete control over Sufera, and the other planes. Their respective marks had been made on the Amalgamate Plane, and the creatures that inhabited the land began to thrive in this world. After their initial work was done, The Divine kept watch over the realm to ensure that their creation was thriving as expecting.   During this time, Dellene, Goddess of the Skies began to become corrupted, her once pure intentions for the realm had become tainted with visions of grandeur and control. These visions led her against the other Divine, to breaking the natural laws they had put in place, and to abuse her position of power.   One day, the sky filled with cloud and a great downpour began. Unceasing rain fell for upwards of a month, as the ocean and rivers swelled with the excess. Despite the end of the rain, the clouds did not break. No sun reached the world below for years, all while storms crackled, thrashed and writhed amongst the clouds.   The world remained like this for roughly 200 years, broke only when the God of Land, Chabus erected great pillars of Quartz, the to offer light and warmth to the world.   Up in the skies, the Divine fought. Dellene for power, the others for survival. These fights lasted decades, sometimes centuries, with no winner in sight. As a last resort to end the conflict, Akmir, Goddess of Life and Oton, God of Order crafted a plan. Akmir created a new creature. One to dominate Dellene's domain, the skies. These creatures had Giant wings to claim the skies, Claws and Tails to dismantle a foe, and a voice that could evicerate any opponent to hear them. These were Dragons.   Oton worked with the other Divine to craft a weapon that could kill their fallen brethren.
  • Chabus, God of Land used fire from the Elementals to forge a spear that could penetrate any material
  • Gonos, God of Death enchanted the weapon with the souls that Dellene's actions had killed, the vindictive souls empowering against her
  • Oton bound the weapon with a magical condition, to use its power for a single purpose, empowering it against Dellene and weakening it against anything else
  • With this plan, their final fight was iminent. As Dellene arrived, hatred in her eyes once more, the Dragons were unleashed. Unable to kill, they harmed as much as they could, encircling and tearing away at Dellene. Their existance hurt Dellene worse then their attacks, as they imposed on her domain, this outrage blinding her to the tactics of her enemies. As Oton lunged forward, hurling the Spear straight towards her, piercing through and falling down, breaking the cloud wall below.   Though she laid there dying, the Divine took no steps to assist her. Their actions must be complete.   After the traitorous goddess had passed, the clouds continued to break, the sun shined through and the world warmed up again. Through the killing of Dellene, balance had been restored.   But for Balance to be restored, then there can be no absence of a Goddess of the Skies. And so there is not, Dellene the Goddess is dead, but her work continued. Though fallen, the weather was normal, the skies filled with clouds on occasion and rain would fall, but the sun would break through as always.   Corruption gone, leaving only order

    Historical Basis

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    The story as in the Summary is accurate, bar the absence of Nyla, Goddess of Chaos. Nyla was the corrupting force behind Dellenes turn from grace, and was beside her throughout the conflict which is why the conflict was sustained for so long, as Dellene alone against 4 other Gods stood no chance.


    The main myth is well known as a major part of the Otonian religion, as it features prominently in their creation myth

    Variations & Mutation

    Though united under the Otonian name, there are smaller factions and sects that interpret the story differently or may have dropped details in places   Angels of the Purged believe their patron Goddess, Nyla, Goddess of Chaos to have been involved on one of the sides.

    Cultural Reception

    Its impact is great as it shows that even the Divine are susceptible to sin and corruption. Though it is favoured more for the display of power of the other Divine and how goodness always wins
    Date of First Recording
    Date of Setting
    Circa 2000 BED
    Related Locations
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