NovelEmber Scene List

scenes can change at whim if desired

Scene #Scene Name/LinkGoal Word
Word Count
Monthly Word Count
1Ed finds out Minerva is interviewing1000
2Minerva before the interview1000
3Omni "I'm hiring her"1000
4Omni and Ed and then Merideth after he hires min1000
5Merideth and ed after Minerva is hired1000
6Oxfedius defends his work1000
7She's not green1000
8A charming brings a wicked witch to a royal ball1000
9Landen tells royals what happen1000
10you will not hire her1000
11Oxfedius begins correspondence with a cook1000
12letters of academic interest are sent1000
13Harmonia claims an Ogre1000
14Tor and his fam at beltane1000
15thera watches harm meet tor1000
16holland sees veruca at beltane1000
17mildred sings and then kisses a pirate at beltane1000
18nialls plays beltane1000
19dhrys plays beltane1000
20Dhrys meets ex after beltane concert1000
21dhrys meets cute pixie after beltane concert1000
22nialls bitches at dhrys about their shit accomodations1000
23nialls stops by thecafe and meets veronica1000
24harmonia tells coven about elias and the centaurs1000
25elias vs the centaurs1000
26elias sees mate1000
27elias sees centaurs leaving verena's office1000
28smudge calls tor daddy1000
29wicked witch to lyra "leave my piper alone."1000
30breaking news: ww sends wolves to blow down village1000
31Landen and Thera visit his grandma 1000
32Thera sees landen at Peg's legs (store #2)1000
33Thera drunk at wedding1000
34thera morning after wedding1000
35elinor reveals fangs to bldasarre1000
36daisy lives where?1000
37bar outside of daisy's apartment1000
38Trolls: no hats1000
39trolls: hats good1000
40breaking news: prince charming robs bank1000
41Longshott kidnaps Opaline1000
42Prince escorts Zhuan1000
43Cap'tn luke's beat down1000
44mom wont kill us1000
45ogres say no trading: witch says no backsies1000
46FG gives advice to 2 young boys and their mother1000
47The fresh smell of pepper smoke in the air (trolls, dragons, ogres, 1000
48Petra apologizes to Peter1000
49You cannot work with me1000
50bekki in the garden, bekki in the pub, bekki at beltane, bekki at the recital, bekki at the graduation, bekki at the school play, bekki at the birthday party1000
grand totals


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