WorldEmber Homework week 1

I pledge to write a lot of words during the next couple of months.

Step 1: Set a world goal and an area of focus


My goal is 10k in my world The 7 Realms. I'm planning on writing more but I'm going to keep my initial goal at 10K and celebrate more at 5k intervals. I'm going to try and focus solely on The 7 Realms but I might stray into working on one of my other worlds as well.



Step 2: Choose your area of focus


As I'm taking part in NovelEmber I'm going to focus my WorldEmber on continuing the worldbuilding spurred by my NovelEmber prose as well as developing some nice maps and timelines.


Step 3: Create or update your meta


Not gonna lie, I've been avoiding my meta. I come from a novel writing background and I don't want to believe it has any merit to my writing. However, I know it is very much like a synopsis (or it could be used as such) so I'm at least going to entertain the idea of (possibly) filling some of it in.


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