
A popular societal movement that has never been completely wiped out for it's appealing views (pun intended) and morals as lose as their clothing - is called Adamians.   These people believe that one should live life as nature has intended, free from man made structure and items. Some think that this view on the world came somewhere from the east from a region called Adama, others that it's an idea originating from fairies and their mythical queen Adamia whose court was famous for bacchian celebrations but was never actually proven that it existed.   Adamians do not wear any clothing and congregate in loose groups or packs usually in some sheltered areas like deep forests or caverns. They spend their days in merriment of all sorts, aiming to return to the animalistic nature from which humanity originated. Only then can people be truly happy and free, they say, unless they have decided to abandon human speech as well and just make excited screechy sounds.   It is obvious why this sub-culture gets attention, because not many lords are happy when their peasants just refuse to participate in the normal day to day life in the kingdom. In some areas Adamian is a word used for people who have been born or cursed with some cognitive disabilities and therefore are unable to deal with society like any other person out there. They are not discriminated but seen as a reminder that life has many shapes and forms and even fully grown adults need to be playful sometimes and not supress the beast that lurks inside.   In recent years, instead of proclaiming their affiliations with Adamians, noble courts started to hoast feasts and festivals with the excuse of celebrating this specific group of people. You will recognise this inauthentic experience by the fact that many elect to wear colourful masks to obscure their identity and not damage their reputation by going full naked.

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